Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

 The first month of the new year, of the new decade. Far out, man.

 I got wired & inspired and wrote about The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy over at the Tumblr site. I'm still doing some polishing and pondering adding some links, so when I'm satisfied enough to stop, I'll post a link right'chere. Long story shot, the HHGTTG is one of my favorite things, which is what the Tumblr site's all about. Maybe I should look for a picture to go along with it.

 Went and saw the Psych Doc today, and it was generally agreed it's about time I do something with my time. I've been having a problem with the Sleep, specifically that sometimes all I want to do is sleep whether I'm tired or sleepy or not. The idea is since I have so much time on my hands instead of having a certain period time where I had to do something these days - i.e., no punch-clock job - maybe I should find something. It's agreed that going back to a kitchen or finding some other brain-dead gig isn't going to cut it. Not only do I have no desire to do something I'm not enthusiastic about, much less don't enjoy, I have absolutely no desire to be around anyone. So there's that.

 He suggested phone customer service gigs. Apparently there are some you can pull off without leaving home. I had no idea. Or there are plenty of options for freelance writing or, to be more apropos, writing for pay. Web content, editing essays for med school, that sort of thing. First step is to figure out just who's legit and who isn't. He suggested Writers Work as an example, but I'm still working on whether or not it's worth the money. A $47 lifetime membership or a $15 per month, and that makes me wonder. But there are other options, just a matter of digging around.

 I guess I do need to make myself more useful, and it is probably about time. I am not budging on the whole Splendid Isolation thing, though. May not be healthy, but I do not care. We're six months into this and I've still not figured out how to make it worth the effort. much less how I'd monetizing it. So, let's hope I don't get distracted and, of course, any suggestions would be most welcome.

 The News really isn't all that... well, let's just say the American Experiment isn't looking all that sharp today and that is a stone-cold bummer. Trump's defense against two charges of Impeachment wrapped up today, spending two hours to vacillate between weird conspiracy theories and portents of doom should the Orange Lord isn't shown proper homage. At the same time, they're trying to deal with whatever prodigious bowl movement John Bolton dropped into the GOP's punch bowl and looking like damn fools doing it.

 It occurred to me that whatever the hell Nixon was guilty of, it must've been something fierce indeed. You'll never be able to convince me that Clinton's impeachment wasn't a desperate Hail Mary of purely partisan reasons - lying under oath about screwing around and that's it - just like you'll never convince me that the charges against Trump are less about him being a crooked politician and more about him having the grace and guile of a thick-headed palooka and too dumb to not get caught. Make me think the world of high-end real estate he played in before this nonsense must be one hell of a rigged table.

 Let's look at local stuff. In his State of the State Address, Tate Reeves said a bunch of empty nonsense, but did announce the most notorious part of Parchman State Penitentiary, Unit 29, was being shut down after nine prisoners since January were found dead, either via suicide or fights with other prisoners. I'm not sure what this all means when it all washes out, but given the state of Mississippi's tendency to kick that particular can down the road, I hold little optimism. The rest of his address was ranch-standard conservative "oh, we're so much better than those on the Coasts" gobbledygook and really not worth noting.

 Also, Cooper Tire is announcing it'll open a plant in Mexico, though they swear it doesn't mean they won't shut down the plant in Tupelo and, thus, wrecking the economy of Northeast Mississippi. Sure. We'll see, but money talks and bullshit walks.

 I got a wild hair to go back to Pathfinder: Kingmaker last night and quested until the wee hours getting close to what I think is the end of the game. I'm not proud, I look up things I can't figure out on my own. It's always entertaining to me to see people piss and moan about this game, especially the dullards who bought it when it came out. Always give it six months, kids, let them work out the bugs. In any event, I enjoyed it. There's been some interesting turns with the companion characters that I liked. Actually sort of feel bad about one of them. That's always a good sign.

 That's good enough for now, I reckon. The next couple of days will determine where Impeachment goes, which is to be expected, I guess. It'll be interesting one way or another.

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