Thursday, November 4, 2021

...Sorry I haven't written in a while.

  With all apologies to Eddie Hinton, who probably doesn't care.

 I haven't written in a while. I made the decision about a month ago that writing about politics four times a week was fine but trying (and usually failing) to come up with that might not always be politics was a drag, man. Sometimes it came, most time it didn't, and it was starting to not be fun anymore. If I'm not getting paid, I better be having fun. I see no reason to stick around for neither.

 And, for the most part, it's worked. I've been in a weird headspace for the last couple of months. Best way I can describe it is my own self-loathing is so severe that I'm not sure I should be taken seriously about anything. In any event, there's always some goofy shit going on somewhere in the halls of power and mankind will never not be a good story waiting.

 That being said, I don't give a shit and I'm starting to get tired of it. I need a break, something to shake loose the blues. A new perspective, that sort of thing. This is why I need to get stoned at least once a day and trip at least twice a year. New perspectives, I'm in favor. You might be imagining all this.


Thursday, October 21, 2021

Here's a thought.

 How are parallel universes categorized? I mean in Multi-World Theory if you take that to mean that multiple universes that split from each other are actually a fundamental of existence. They don't think that, for the most part, but a lot of pop science books have been written about it. I personally, lack the Latin to make this decision.

 Not like in comic books, which seems to be relatively scattershot. DC and Marvel both have multiverses, neither company has had a consistent policy. I want to say Marvel would name realities based on when the comic was released. I'm not going to look it up, but it's like the Ultimate universe is Earth-2001. Mainstream Marvel is Earth-616 and was supposed to show how relatively unimportant it is. It is, but you know what I mean.

 DC seems to like having a noted Main Earth. Earth-One, New Earth, etc. It's had a couple of universal reboots - i.e., a chance to rewrite the entire line, a la fan fiction - in the last 10 years, so I don't know how they're doing it now. Again, I'm not looking it up.

 They're universes are decided by editorial fiat and regular cosmic occurrences, or if you like, crises. Marvel, on the other hand, says universal split occurs at certain points that make for good storytelling and/or covering up something that's just embarrassing. They had a DC-style reboot a couple years ago, but I think the only thing that actually change was to bring certain popular characters into the Mainstream line. Again, fan faction.

 Anyway. Who knows how they do it now? It's interesting that Human Marvel - like the people who spend time with the MCU or the Spider-Verse - is introducing their whole multiple universe thing at all, much less this relatively quickly. The Squadron Supreme was nearly 10 years into the line and Marvel's always had that connected universe.

 DC really didn't do it all that much until the '60s, basically following Marvel's lead. Batman in the Jusrice League could be doing something entirely different in his own books, his World's Finest team-up with Superman book, and just wherever he wound up that month. Same with everyone, really. It's why Superman and Batman teamed up with Jonah Hex and the Haunted Tank so often and Wonder Woman teamed with Beowulf.

 The problem with their mashing into one coherent world came when the Barry Allen Flash meet the Jay Garrick Flash, even though only a couple of years separated them. Like '47 to '52, admittedly a lifetime in comics. It was a pain because just about every character was owned by the same people but not the same company, if that makes sense. Flash Comics and All-Star Comics and National Comics and Action Comics and Detective Comics were all their own little worlds. Wildcat, Ted Grant, was inspired to become a mystery man after reading a Green Lanter, Allan Scott, comics.

 Marvel was even less organized than that. Some titles only lasted one issue and the next issue would have a completely different name. Indeed, their Marvel Comics was renamed Marvel Mystery Comics after one issue and introducing most of the characters Marvel uses as their "Golden Age," like the Sub-Mariner and the original Human Torch. It later became Mystery Comics and finally Marvel Tales, which became a horror anthology. It later was a reprint mag, mostly for Spider-Man.

 But I ramble. So DC squeezed all these books together and spent the second half of the century acquiring the rights to every other long-underwear character that Marvel didn't own. Like Plastic Man and the Spirit came from Quality Comics and the characters Allen Moore based his Watchmen characters own (Blue Beetle, the Question, etc.) came from Charlton Comics. After suing Whiz Comics for bullshit reasons and won, so they got Captain Marvel, who I refuse to call Shazam.

 They all came from different universes or went to different universes. The Quality characters, for example, went to a universe where the Second World War was still going on. The others were squeezed in with the Crisis On Infinite Earths which also got rid of their multiverse for a couple of decades. In theory, anyway. They keep making such a dog's biscuit out of it, they have to keep turning the universe off and turning it on again. Undoubtly, the success or lack thereof from the DCCU will have some impact if it hasn't already.

 But none of those count in this thought experiment. Would categorization determine number? Like, maybe the South won the Civil War and ceased to be quite as awful or won the Civil War and became that world's Nazis. Both from Harry Turtledove, too. Suppose those worlds exist somewhere in the cosmic static. If you could travel through them, how would you chart them?

Tuesday, October 5, 2021


  I think I had something this morning, but I don't know. I took a head-kicker of a nap this afternoon, so I came out from the other end not having a clue. So I don't know.

 This, then, is a placeholder. I've got the Therapist tomorrow, but I really don't care anything about talking to anyone. Might as well get it over with, I reckon, and then I won't have to talk to anyone for another month.

 So there's that there, then.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Could be worse.

  I confess I don't get NFT's. Then again, apart from making it easier to buy drugs from certain sources, I really don't get the appeal of digital currency. Both seem like modern manifestations of the Tulip Mania, basing something intrinsically worthless on its perceived value. Granted, things like diamonds and the stock market, in general, have always struck me as a scam, so maybe I'm not the best person to pontificate on such a thing.

 However you want to waste your money to make yourself happy, go for it. I bought yet another harmonica yesterday, a Hohner Marine Band 364/24 in the Key of C. I already had one with soloist tuning but this one has Richter tuning. Apparently, Sonny Boy Williamson II played one. I got the solo tuning by mistake, and I'm not quite sure how this tuning works out, particularly on the draw notes. I don't think it's the same as a Lucky 13 in C.

 Anyhow, one of the recent quirks in the NFT world is pictures of a cartoon lion modified with different colors, clothes, etc. It's a hit on Twitter and, no, I'm not going to link to it. I don't want to encourage this behavior. The selling to-and-fro is getting as much play from the Kids These Days as day trading. A couple hundred bucks for a picture of a cartoon lion. It's not even a particularly good or unique cartoon. It looks like King Leonardo to me.

 As for the cryptocurrency thing, every time someone waxes rhapsodically it sounds more and more like a cult. Several years ago a co-worker tried to talk me into it and I asked him, "Can I pay my rent with it? Will my pot dealer take it? Can I buy groceries with it? No? Then I've got no use for it." Back then, that's about all I spent money on, but I still don't have much use for it. I've always lacked a certain amount of ambition that I figure must be there for that sort of thing to have any appeal.

 You see those guys - often the same guy - who are gung ho about busting ass to make money, to the point where not wanting to make a lot of money is considered a character flaw. I don't know why they feel it's necessary to be so contemptuous of others, because I honestly don't care. Again, I ain't the one. One of the main reasons I wanted to be a writer when I was a kid is that it struck me as an easy way to make rent. It might be, but getting there is a booger. Never did figure out how to do it.

 Speaking of writing, I decided to not worry myself about Gibberish anymore. If I have something on my mind, like this, I'll write something. If not, I won't. And I'm not going to stress about meeting the 500-word count. I get what I need out of the News, even though that will never bring me fame and fortune. This was supposed to spur something else and all it's doing is making me miserable. That don't help nobody.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

To hell with it.

  I didn't write anything Tuesday for no real good reason. I don't feel bad about it, though, as I had nothing to write about. I did write about the Headhunters (Muddy Waters, Jimmy Rogers, Little Walter, and Baby Face LeRoy) and how they helped influence the development of electric Chicago blues. Plus, there's a nifty performance of Jimmy Rogers from back in the '90s. Dig it.

 And that's probably all the writing I'm going to do today. I did a nifty explanation of what this whole "debt ceiling" business was about, or tried to best I could. Check it out.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Nah, I'm not even going to bother.

  I'm going to go ahead and get something down. I plumb forgot Thursday, didn't think about it until 4 a.m. Friday morning, and was too lazy to do anything about it. I had tried to remember, honest.

 I didn't even try to fill in Friday. Had a doctor's appointment and ran some errands in Tupelo, so by the time I got home, all I wanted to do was nap. I did know, I just didn't care. I got a really sharp piece on the News about the Mississippi Legislature coming up with a medical cannabis bill that's actually better, best I can tell, than what Initiative 65 would've given us. The rest of the week is pretty decent, too, despite having plenty of Actual Paying Work to do.

 I've been putting some serious thought into making a major change. Specifically, cutting this bullshit out. I might get one or two good pieces out of this shit a month, and the rest is just me trying to fill space. It's no fun and discouraging. I started this just to get back into fighting shape and hopefully make some interesting boil out of it. That hasn't happened.

 So, what I might do is go ahead and keep an MWF-plus-weekend schedule for The News. The music stuff will stay on Tumblr just because it's easier to plug in music or videos and is easier to retweet. Blogger is pretty rickety and I don't believe it'll ever get much better. It seems like it's an afterthought that isn't irritating enough for Google to dump like they did Google Plus.

 Anyway. I'll kick it around but I'm pretty much settled on it. Like I said, not only is it rarely any fun, most of the time it just makes me feel worse. I don't see the point in all that.

 Just got back from Otis' late afternoon walk. He never wants to go far - down to the curve, up to the Old Place, or just around the property - but he wants to keep going out. He's been having a worse time getting around, full-on balance issues. And they're worst after dark. Getting old is a drag but watching your dog getting old is much, much worse.

 Watching a Cinematic Excrement episode on "Mommie Dearest." I've never seen it, but the Smeghead (that's what he calls himself) is talking about how perception can differ, particularly when it comes to abuse in a family. Momma can completely ignore the abuse she suffered from Daddy and Poppaw and then in the next breath tell one of the most horrible stories you ever heard about some of the shit my father pulled. I'm not condemning nor complaining, it is just an interesting stroke to ponder, I think. The mind plays tricks on you, sure, but not near to the amount you play tricks on it.

 I don't cotton much to child abuse. I think corporal punishment is child abuse. I think yelling at your kid is child abuse. I think preventing them from something they enjoy for an extended period of time to punish them is child abuse. I don't have kids and that's one of the reasons why. I do not understand how even what I consider proper parents do it, not going to lie. Not strangling my dog because he spends an hour-and-forty-five minute going inside and out at 3 a.m. So, yeah, forgive me if I judge and take it with a grain of salt.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Programming note.

  I have some Actual Paying Work to do tonight, so this is going to be short. It's an interesting topic, on dram shop laws, and I'll let you look that up for yourself. Considering how infertile my brain is as often as not, I'm thinking about stopping this.

 That is, stop writing Gibberish every Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday. Half the time I forget about it because most of the time I have no interesting ideas. I'd still write something from time to time when I had something to write about, but I have to wonder if trying to squeeze toothpaste from an empty tube is doing me any good.

 I'm going to think on it. I wonder if I've run this experiment into the ground. The News is still doing what it needs to do for me, but there's just no way I can turn that into anything but a hobby. How all those Substack folks can do what they do and live with themselves, I don't know.

 Anyway, it might just be my blues talking. Once Fall comes around or the pandemic breaks, maybe I'll be in a better, more productive mood. Time to get to work. I'm drifting and if I'm going to drift, I'm going to get paid for it.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

I'm not going to even pretend, man.

  I suppose I should put something down. I plumb forgot Thursday and didn't think about it until around 3 a.m., and by the time I got good and woken up, I just wasn't feeling it. Nobody cares, though, we all know that. I regularly get a "like" at the WordPress site from one guy, but I'm pretty sure that's a bot. There's no way he could read all that as quickly as it says.

 Speaking of which, we should get that out of the way. Monday was about Joe Biden's attempts to raise taxes on the wealthy; meaning, probably not you so calm down. We looked into the recall attempt against California governor Gavin Newsom Wednesday and why it was a waste of time. Friday was a run-down of the "Justice for J6" rally that was supposed to go down in Washington, D.C., today yet turned out to be a humorous bust.

 I haven't heard of anything similar happening anywhere in the rest of the country but the D.C. to-do drew something like 400 people, more or less. The running gag is the protestors were outnumbered by the press and police, and that probably wasn't far from the truth. I imagine there are a couple of reasons for this. For one, this didn't have the money behind it the Great American Temper Tantrum had. Lots of folks spent lots of money to get people to Washington on that day and that was nowhere to be seen today.

 Plus, I imagine the increased police presence had something to do with it. There was no fooling around by the fuzz today. They were thick on the ground and loaded for bear. In any event, this whole thing had deflated in on itself by the time this week came around, with so-called organizers trying to keep protestors from raising too much hell or from showing up at all.

 Running commentary on Twitter from the wingnuts was that the thing was a joke because it was mostly press and/or fuzz instead of Real Americans, which really isn't a ringing endorsement for that bunch. But that whole scene has been screwy from day one. Some are trying to say that this represents a dwindling of Trump's influence on the GOP. I don't know if that's so. By the time the election came around, he'd pissed away most of his support among the non-faithful.

 I really think the vast bulk of never-Trump GOP had no problem with his actual policies so much as the vulgar way he went about them. For the most part, they were ranch standard Republican policies. Fewer taxes on the rich, less oversight for corporations, more restrictions on women's bodily autonomy, more emphasis given to religious extremism, none of that is all that weird. What were his babies - like the disaster economic dealings with China and him getting rooked by North Korea - weren't really enough to make them lose hope but they certainly didn't help after he salted the Earth.

 He still has the true blue and I doubt anything will shake them too much. That's sort of the definition of a fanatic, a lack of clear thinking when it comes to their precious. How is this going to play out for 2022 or 2024? I don't know and anyone who says they do is full of shit as a Christmas goose.

 So there's that there then. If something comes up, I'll come back but don't count on it. It's just one of those days.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Yeah, well.

  I didn't completely forget to write anything yesterday. I thought about it around 3 a.m. this morning. That has to count for something, right?

 I'm in a deep funk, so I doubt I'll even bother to catch up. Maybe, if I get a chance to load up, but right now all I want to do is go back to sleep. After breakfast, I might.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Every day is like survival.

  I let time slip up on me. It's twenty after eleven and I'm not going to bust my ass about making the deadline. We'll see how it goes.

  I finished Jonathan Howard's After The End of the World, the second book in the Lovecraft & Carter series. Long story short, an ancestor of H.P. Lovecraft and one of Randolph Carter team up to deal with the gibbering horrors from the dawn of time. He's a detective and she owns a bookstore. Together, they fight Deep Ones.

 It's not bad. Actually, it's pretty good. First time in a while that I've dealt with an actual page-turner. It does some decent stuff with Lovecraftian horror but the characters and pacing make it worth the effort. Howard also writes the Johannes Cabal: Necromancer books and they're fun, too. Anything where the main character is introduced by storming Hell and demanding the Devil quit screwing with him can't be bad. In any event, check 'em both out.

 I still don't care for multi-book stories, but I read the first book and got hooked before I knew what was what. I don't know what I've going to read next, though. I'm in one of those moods where my brain feels damp and nothing brings joy. I wish I knew what to do about that.

 Ain't going to lie, I sort of hoped that access to regular smoke would make things fall into place, but that ain't how life works. Especially my life. I don't think people really appreciate how untethered from reality I feel, even the people that know me well enough to know that my wiring's all messed up.

 But what are you going to do, and anyway, no one wants to hear all of that nonsense. I haven't even been able to nail down a movie worth watching, so I'm making my way through the Cinematic Titanic to-dos on the Shout Factory website. I think they're my favorite of the MST3K offshoots. They're not as condescending as Rifftrax can be, there's just more fun to it. I say it's due to Trace Beaulieu. He strikes me as a guy that always has a good time.

 Beyond that, I don't know. I need to figure out another 140 words or so. Gavin Newsome won his recall, but not being tied into California politics more than I absolutely need to be, I think that probably has more to do with Larry Elder's crazy ass more than anything. People forget the last time they tried this goofy shit, it was to put Arnold Schwarzenegger in the statehouse. Never underestimate the desire for Americans to give celebrities political power. We will climb a tree to do that, and frankly, a B-lister radio nutcase ain't quite it.

 Okay, then. By the time I finish this nonsense, I should be able to get the forty words I need. I may watch another Cinematic Titantic or read a bit or hell, I don't know. Most of the time it feels like all I do is pass the time, but it's even worse these days.

 Ah, well. Nothing lasts forever.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

That's the news.

 My cousin's youngest boy plays for the Duke Blue Devils football team. He plays on the special teams and last night's 45-17 stomping of the North Carolina A&T Aggies was his first game. It was also Duke's first win, bringing their record to 1-1. I ain't sayin' that's because of Little Cousin being in the game, I'm just saying.

 Anyhow, his birthday is in November and he'11 be 18 years old. That means he wasn't born when the Twin Towers went down. I think his older sister might've been a baby, & she's at Ole Miss. His oldest brother's finishing up at Mississippi State this year and he was building bridges back then. That's another story, though.

 Twitter has been filled with 9/11 thoughts today. It's not only the anniversary, that's wild enough. It's the twentieth anniversary, and the reason I mentioned my cousin's kids is that it's been 20 years since that morning, and that is a big deal. Where were you when they fell? If you were old enough to remember, you know where you were.

 I was two hours into my shift in the kitchen at the Grill in Athens, GA. I had just recently come back to working there almost exclusively, having just quit my music editor's gig at Flagpole. I was still writing but was rapidly losing interest/hope/enthusiasm for making that lifelong goal a reality. I was also dealing with a broken heart and a bruised ego, but that's another story.

 We had a CD player in the kitchen and I was playing probably AC\DC or the Beat Farmers when the manager came up. Turn on the news, he said, and we listened as the second tower went down. I don't remember if anyone came in apart from the street people. It was like a holiday when the kids were gone, Downtown was so empty. We were all glued to the radio.

 Around 10 a.m. my brother came to work his wait shift. Listen to my heart, he said. Do what? But I listened and his heartbeat was... erratic. It's really hard to explain, but the beat was off, but there wasn't a recognizable pattern. [Girl he was dating] noted it this morning, and within 30 minutes, enough people had pointed out That Wasn't Right and he went to see a doctor.

 So that was my 9/11, spending all day worrying that my 23-year-old brother might have a heart problem. I really didn't give the goings-on in New York City until I'd heard back from him. For the record, there's a particular name for what it was, but it's not arrhythmia, and so long as he stays off the cocaine train, he's okay. Might be something to worry about when he's older, like my damaged heart valve, but it's okay.

 Anyway. I get home from work and realize, holy shit, the world changed today. I spent the evening watching the nonstop news, like most of the world, and I remember how curious I was when blame was laid on al Qaeda the next day and learned the name Osama bin Laden. I remember hearing everyone from German anarchists to homegrown dirtbags. It was a couple of days before the conspiracy theories about who was really involved and what really happened and why everything we saw on tv couldn't have happened.

 For the record, I think a group of 19 or so assholes hijacked a couple of planes. Two hit the World Trade Center, another hit the Pentagon, and a third was brought down in Pennsylvania. I'm not sold on that being either a case of the plane being shot down or brought down due to the actions of the passengers or a combination thereof.

 The internet is filled with how 9/11 changed people or how they were forced to change the way they made it through the world. This isn't that. My brother pointed out that something like this happened all the time in the Middle East or South America or somewhere that wasn't us so we didn't worry about it. I will say the reaction the U.S. government had and the steps they took helped push me even more to the left but I was going that way, anyway.

 It is a pivotal moment in American history, though, like when Kennedy was shot or the Challenger exploded. If you were there, you remember it. I don't think the death of either bin Laden or Saddam Hussein had the same impact, not really. I remember being more weirded out by the college kids partying, but as a friend pointed out, the boogeyman of their youth had been killed by the U.S. government and all was right with the world.

 I think what's stuck with me most about 9/11 was how quickly we got over it. Really, it's been a bloody shirt nationally for quite a while and the death of 3,000 people happens every two weeks in Mississippi because of COVID-19. You kids who were around or weren't paying attention really don't understand how the culture was and the press was. You were called objectively pro-terrorist if you disagreed with anything from the Bush Administration, even if it had nothing to do with national defense or terrorism.

 There were marches, huge marches in major cities and smaller ones in places like Athens, but they were basically ignored. The media was embarrassingly pro-war, whether in Afghanistan or Iraq. They gave Administration claims little or no push back much less scrutiny, and the Administration said some dumb shit. Columnists called protestors the fifth column and didn't admit those marchers were actually right until a decade later. Seriously. Andrew Sullivan, Conor Friedersdorf, S.E. Cupp; they all dropped the ball and they all try to pretend they didn't.

 And life on the internet? Well, social media wasn't as ubiquitous as it is now. You actually had to have a probably expensive computer and pay the phone/cable company for access, and even then, you might not have been plugged into politics. There were blogs and chat forums and message boards, though, and the same crazies you see now were flapping their word holes back then in much the same way. You just didn't know about it.

 There is so much more to it, like how it affected Muslim-Americans or people who looked sort of Muslim, and that was good enough. There was the realization that something significant had changed since the '60s since all the marching and protesting accomplished squat before it was all over, mainly because The Powers That Be didn't have to pay us any attention.

 There was no togetherness or unity. There was "us" and "them," and where you fell on that line seemed to change from day to day. Freedom fries and Old Europe. The only verified case of cancel culture happened when the Dixie Chicks barely escaped with their lives. For the only time in his life, Bill Mahar said something truly controversial and was punished enough that he never did it again. Every hiccup was the terrorists' second shot, be it a power outage on the East Coast due to a spilled Diet Coke or a mislaid backpack in front of the law library on campus. Why would a backpack be on a college campus, after all?

 To wrap that all together like some particularly depressing Christmas paper, there was the distinct possibility that the most powerful man in the world was a goddamn idiot being manipulated by some of the worst human beings in history. It was a weird, stupid, silly, scary time and if you were paying attention to national politics or the big-time press, nothing that's happened in the past five or so years is inexplicable. You just now started paying attention because everyone has a smartphone and computers are cheap nowadays.

 So, what did we learn from all this? Did we learn anything? Was there anything to learn? What was crazy then - the PATRIOT Act, taking your shoes off to fly, weaponized patriotism, etc. - is common nowadays and we probably won't go back. I don't know what to think about that. I don't think I'll ever know. 
 Do you? Anyhow, have a nice weekend.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Raised by the graves.

 I spent a good chunk of the day helping Momma clear out Bean Cemetary. It's an old, old cemetery up in the hills that hasn't been kept up. The current owner is letting us go in and clean it out, mainly because some of my grandfather's people are buried there.

 Frankly, outside of Peaceful Valley, I really don't care one way or another about cemeteries. There's some off-putting about the whole concept of "eternal rest" to me. The tombstone, the coffin, the whole nine yards. I'm dead, I don't care one way or another. If Momma's still around, I tell my brother, do what makes her happy. If she's not, do what's easiest on you.

 But the ones around here are never-ending sources of fascination. Back before the Civil War, the little community I live in was one of if not the biggest in Itawamba County. Had the railroad come on this side of the river rather than Fulton's, my life would have been slightly but significantly different. Y'all really don't grok how country I am and my roots are.

 There are a number of graveyards around here, most of them date back to the 1850s and most of them have been closed for decades. My father's buried in Bourland Cemetary and I've got a plot there for when I go. I don't think I've been back since I moved back home unless Momma needed me for something. I really can't deal with my father's grave still.

 This area's mostly forest and mostly owned by Weyerhauser, the lumber company. But back in the 1800s, communities would pop up here and there, five miles from each other but might as well be a world away. A landing on the Tombigbee would start doing business, bring in goods and send out products from the farm, and the communities would drift that away. Another landing would set up further up the river and the communities would shift again.

 Nothing's left of these little villages but the cemeteries. The oldest one at Bean is in the 1850s and the last one in 1987, which comes twenty years after the spouse had already been planted. I find these things endlessly fascinating. For every person that got their three-score-and-ten are infant burials. Wives who died in childbirth, so a husband might be flanked by the first and second.

 A lot of young people, and by young I mean 20s and 30s. A cut thumb might lead to gangrene or a case of diarrhea might strike you down. More people could play instruments then because if you wanted music you had to make it yourself. Most folks could read and write and do their numbers, but an eighth-grade education was probably as good as you'd ever get. Everyone had a Bible but probably no other books.

 As I said, my grandfather's grandfather's people came from that part of the Valley but his grandmother came from pretty much where I am now, so that's where we wound up. That branch anyway. Indeed, that aforementioned ancestor, John Anderson Bean, lived and died on the very hill I sit to watch the world go by today.

 30 years ago, Weyerhauser planted a bunch of softwood trees, and all that's grown up now. I barely recognize it when I used to know every inch of those muddy backroads. It's like coming to a whole new world that's just occasionally familiar, like returning from a trip to the past only to find the present has changed because you stepped on a butterfly or something. The world has Unfolded and I have to find my way around it again.

 We're basically cleaning this graveyard out for no other reason than it makes Momma happy. That's a good enough reason for me to do anything. She's big on family history and our links to the past. Every time she gets a chance to preserve it, she does so. She's outlived most of her life and this brings her some peace at the end of her three-score-and-ten.

 Again, that's as good enough a reason for me.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Just get it out there, son, just get it done.

  I still have some of that yuck, whether it's sinus or not, is hanging around with me and making life unpleasant. I don't really have anything interesting to say, either, and my brain just hasn't been working lately. I knew it wouldn't work out like this, but a part of me hoped that getting a regular lungful of the good smoke would make everything click, like the last piece of the puzzle.

 It hasn't, of course, because that's not how things work. I keep hoping there is something out there, something I'm just not getting, and when I do, my life's waveform will collapse into place like a row of dominoes. It continues to baffle me that there's so much of Normal Life that continues to elude me. My upbringing wasn't so odd nor have my experiences been all that special, but there you go.

 Nothing is really begging to get out. I'm not playing any games, in particular, and have gotten cold on Pathfinder: Kingmaker, and there's no music that needs me talking about it. The only reading I'm doing is trying to finish The Kolchak Chronicles, a book of short stories based on the Kolchak: The Night Stalker character. I don't know why I'm still trying because they are goddamn awful. It's like The Pink Panther reboot with Steve Martin; even if you don't compare it to the original, it's goddamn awful.

 Jumped-up fan fiction rarely works, for me, anyway. The pre-reboot Doctor Who books were tedious at best and all too often devolved into the writer getting weird about a specific character. Nyssa caught a lot of that weirdness; so did Dodo, bless their hearts. The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy book by the guy who did the Artemis Fowl books is one of the worst things I've ever read, at least until these Kolchak stories.

 These are just dull. It's not so much they stray too far from the character or the general form of the established stories, they're just dull. And I swear, I don't need to learn about Carl Kolchak's dark past. That's why the television remake was such a turkey. Also, I don't understand why people have to update everything to modern times rather than the '70s - internet, digital cameras, cell phones, etc. - as it really doesn't add anything and just strikes me as lazy.

 I do like William Meikle's take on Carnacki, The Ghost Finder. Good stories, sharp writing, it doesn't monkey too much with the formula, and he makes it all work. Of course, it does help that William Hope Hodgson only got in a half-dozen Carnacki stories, so there's plenty of room to stretch out.  Meikle doesn't add a love interest or too much goofy shit, like people who want to make Irene Adler a recurring character or put any woman at all into Jekyll & Hyde. I have strong opinions about that.

 I don't know what else. The weather's turned cooler here lately and the days are getting shorter. College football season has started but I can't be bothered just yet. I reckon it's time to tie this off. Whatever the yuck that's messing with me wears me out, so I imagine I'll go to sleep after a little while.

 So there's that there then.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

A bust.

  Man, I feel awful. I woke up feeling crappy and felt like death warmed over this afternoon. I don't feel quite as bad as I did then but I still feel pretty shitty. I don't know what it is. I don't think it's COVID, just a random cold. Let's hope not, anyway.

 This week's News is heavy because this week was heavy. Afghanistan, Hurricane Ida, and Texas going full bull-goose loony, it kept us all pretty busy. I think I did some good work with it, so check it out.

 I don't know how far into this I'm going to get, to be quite honest. My head is killing me and my face hurts, and it all gets worse the longer I sit up but lying down is uncomfortable. We'll see, but I'm going to step back for a moment. In any event, I have nothing interesting to say.

 The next day.

 I thought I posted this. Ah, well. It's almost 3:30 the following afternoon from when I wrote that and, apart from the sense of discombobulation you get for sleeping a lot and a bit of a headache, I'm fine. Momma's convinced I had a light case of COVID, between it and my eye. I think it's just an infected tear duct or something like that being a pain in the particular area. My sinuses felt like they were on fire.

 In any event, I'm much better now. I'll get on the News and see you there.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Another man done gone.

  It's ten o'clock but I'm not going to be caught out bad tonight. I got nothing particularly interesting to say, but that's never stopped me. So here we go.

 I've been playing a lot of Pathfinder: Kingmaker lately, getting back to where I was in my initial game before I drifted away and forgot what I was doing. I'm bad to do that, particularly with long, involved games. I still need to get back to Dragon Age II and XCOM 2. Don't ask me why beyond I don't really care for endings. I chalk that up to a love of comic books as a kid. Honestly, Spider-Man is 20 years older than the last time I paid attention and he's still in his mid-20s.

 Watching a movie called Coven. It's about witches and it's not good, so far anyway. Granted, I'm not an expert on all things witchery, but it does seem to me like they're just making shit up as they go along. Of course, there's no reason to not just make shit up as they go along. The witch lady who's the boss of the coven is also a massive pill even before a demon posses here. I don't think I could meddle with the darker powers of the world with someone that obnoxious. So far, I do not recommend it.

 I have been watching a lot of horror movies. They're almost like detective novels, in that there's a familiar path they all take and all that really matters is how well the story's told. Well, it's not exactly the same, I guess, but a bad horror movie's easier to take than a bad comedy. I will note that I don't care too much for slasher movies or what's deemed "horror porn" and extreme horror. It's not so much the gore that bothers me, it's that there's plenty of examples of humans being absolute bastards to each other in the real world. If I'm going to deal with fiction, give me demons and movie witches and werewolves and cosmic horrors and whatnot.

 For what it's worth, I know there are real witches in the world but they're not like fiction witches, mainly because they're not as shitty as movie witches. That's neither here nor there, though. The witches in this movie make me think of the witches Terry Pratchett was making fun of in the Tiffany Aching books. All black leather and revealing clothes and impractical boots.

 I wonder if chaos magic is still a Thing. Fifteen years ago, it was the go-to hoodoo bullshit middle-class yuppie spawn used to pretend they had a solid grasp on the universe. The Wikipedia entry has a section on "post-chaos," but that mainly reads like practitioners pissed off they didn't get their ponies. There's also a guy who's mixed chaos magic with Lovecraftian concepts like the Great Old Ones, which seems like a really bad idea. I'm half-tempted to buy the book just to see how bad an idea it is to invoke the concept of massively powerful entities that don't even consider us insects.

 Hey, Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous is out and it's getting good reviews. Excellent. Kingmaker was apparently a lame dog on first release and took nearly six months to get playable. There's a Season Pass which means there'll be DLC, which means I'll be waiting until all that DLC comes out before I drop a nickel on it. Just my personal rule and, usually by that point, any and all stompable bugs are fixed. Besides, the Season Pass version is going for $80 so screw you, man. I got enough to keep me occupied until the price lightens up some. I mean, I'm all for supporting indie developers, but come on, man.

 Well, this is as good a place as any to stop. Don't watch Coven. It's a turkey and it's sort of dull.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Let me just say, I never meant to hurt nobody, though I guess there's some I couldn't look in the eye.

 I don't think I'm going to get this one under the gun, but what the hell. What is time? Something I really don't pay attention to all that much anymore.

 And why should I? It's rare that I have to interact with the outside world at a specific time, and I like drifting around wherever and for however long I want. So, it's a waste of time, for me anyway.

 I'm not going to lie, this might not get done until tomorrow morning. It's past midnight already and we got word from the good people at Tombigbee Electric that the ol' internet would be done for some terribly good reason that I can't remember. I was playing Pathfinder: Kingmaker all evening, working on a "serious run" and I'll probably go back to that. Beyond that, I don't know.

 August 31 came and went, and best I can tell, the U.S. didn't leave anyone in service in Afghanistan they didn't mean to - apparently there's going to be an armed presence for a little bit - and they, along with the EU, cut a deal with the Taliban to get Afghans out of there if they want to go. Money talks and bullshit walks on that, so we'll see.

 There is much gnashing of teeth and rending of garments over this, by both conservatives who don't want to give Joe Biden a win and the big-time press because war sells newspapers. Plus, a lot of them were big cheerleaders for this back in the day and they've all been proven to be dumb bloodthirsty bourgeoisie shit asses.

 One wonders what the next thing that will be used to wind up the gibbering masses. The yacht-left Substackers are still banging on that being disagreed with or, worse, mocked is akin to brutal, Orwellian censorship. But I don't think they really pay attention to anything else, which makes sense if you think about it. These people have convinced themselves their words and thoughts are golden.

 They might circle back around to "wokeness" and Critical Race Theory, but I imagine it'll be another round of refugee panic as they forget the whole "bring our partners and helpers out of Taliban tyranny" by the middle of the month. They haven't had a good reason to build up a serious hate-on for Arabic folks, that's always a favorite.

 Moving on, at least four wingnut talk show goons have caught COVID and died over the last couple of weeks, and all except one were fanatically anti-mask and anti-vaccine and pro-"this is all a hoax to make Trump look bad and, anyway, it's just a light cold only old people and fat people die from and we don't really care about them." The other might be, too, but I'm too lazy to look.

 We've also seen a passel of just regular jackasses who scoffed at the vaccines and the masks, only to wind up with a tube down their throat begging everyone else to get the shot. I should be more empathic with them, but I'm not. They need to do more work on their own because we've still got ding-a-lings showing up at school board meetings accusing vaccination efforts to be Satanically inspired.

 Two of my cousin's kids tested positive. They're both under 10. Another cousin tested positive and I've been directly exposed. We're averaging 5,000 new cases a day in Mississippi. More kids died from it last month than the entire 17 months beforehand. The hospitals are past strained further than they need to be, and more people will die.

 And it's all their fault. I don't celebrate an anti-vaxxer going down like I don't cheer when a drunk driver wraps their car around a live oak tree. It's the damage they cause to others that piss me off. Because of them, we're going to have to let COVID burn through us like the 1918 influenza plague, and not all of us will survive it.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Lord, if you won't take care of us, won't you please, please let us be.

  Y'all, Hurricane Ida hits land tomorrow and by all accounts will be a booger. If you're in the Gulf Coast area, take the proper precautions and split if you're told to. If you're in the rest of the South, get ready for some bad rain and possible flooding. And that's on top of everything else kicking us in the collective teeth. 

 Okay, it's 3:25 a.m. and I slept on this. We took Little Brother back to the airport today, and driving to-and-from Memphis wore both me and Momma out. I remember thinking I need to get something down but it was a losing battle.

 In any event, it was a good visit from the LB, who I haven't seen in almost two years due to COVID. Granted, now is not the best time to come to Mississippi, in re: COVID, but he'd already bought the tickets and couldn't refund them. That tells you, if nothing else, just how quickly this Delta variant slipped up on us.

 He brought me some good smoke, which is great, but I think he really enjoyed spending time with Momma. I won't go into details, but Momma grates on him and he usually spends his visit avoiding her as much as possible. This time, though, they'd spend hours talking, even when that meant listening to Momma spin her conversation roulette wheel and hope to keep up.

 So it was a good visit and I'm looking forward to him and the Sister-In-law visiting this winter. Visit with your people, y'all, it recharges your batteries. Okay, then, onto the News. Good week. Big week, too. Between the FDA's approval of the Pfizer vaccine and the ongoing Afghanistan withdrawal, it has been interesting times. Add a Category 4, potentially devastating hurricane into the mix, and you can't help but wonder why the Washington Press spent so much time on Biden's dog. Good god.

 I'm not sure what else. I have noticed that even a couple of sessions has reset my brain somewhat. Now and then, I'll do this thing where I'm sure I've been thinking about something but I forget it. I can't for the life of me remember what it was or even if I was actually thinking about it. May not sound too deep but it always serves to shake me some. Man, I've missed this.

 Well, it's been at least a half-hour since I wrote the above paragraph. I don't really have anything to roll with, nothing particularly noteworthy I'm reading or watching or playing. My PowerBender harp came in the mail yesterday, but so far I really can't tell much difference. I find bending notes sort of easy, which has to mean maybe I'm doing it wrong.

 This last little bit is like pulling teeth, man. I think I'm going to go back to bed. I've been scrolling through Tubi but I don't think I'll mess with crap cinema. Just wrap this up, finish my drink, and call it a whatever-it-is. Seriously, though, y'all. Hurricane Ida looks to be no joke. Be safe.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Programming note.

  I have some Actual Paying Work due tomorrow, so probably no Gibberish tonight. I know, contain your disappointment. But my brother's visiting and he's keeping Momma busy. Plus, he brought me a bit of the good smoke, so that's nice.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Charlie is my darling.

  We have to drive to Memphis this evening. Little Brother's coming for a visit and we have to get him at the airport. His plane lands at 10:30 p.m. local time, so this is as good an excuse as any to get this done.

 I haven't seen him since the Thanksgiving before this whole COVID thing started. He and his wife live out in Oregon and they don't get out here much. I don't blame them. He's had this trip planned and booked since before the whole Delta surge started in on us, and by the time things go out of hand, it was too late to get a refund.

 He's had the shot and Oregon has put more effort into not letting the jackasses run things. Hell, Dr. Thomas Dobbs, the head of the State Department of Health, is getting threats and people are claiming his getting kickback from the World Bank. So I'm more worried that he might pick up something here, even being on the airplane is safe than just walking around Mississippi.

 So there's that there then. It'll at least give Momma someone else to fuss over for a couple of days. He's got me a hook-up in the works, too, so that's nice. I'll say it again, I don't understand how or, more importantly, why people do this on purpose.

 Anyhow. I'll probably save it for tomorrow's News but according to the White House, over 70,000 people have been airlifted from Afghanistan. The goal is to be over and done with by the end of the month and they say that looks to be doable. It's still unknown just how many people, Afghans and Americans, are in-country, but for the most part, it seems to be going fairly smoothly. The Taliban isn't making too much of a fuss about things but they seem to have noticed a "brain drain" going on, and I don't know what they expected. It's not like they're known for fostering freedom of thought.

From all I can tell, the evacuation is going as the White House claims. This is from both national and foreign news sources, but everyone agrees that folks are getting out if they want. It's pissing off the GOP and Trumpists, but fuck them, they're scum anyway. I still find it laughable that all this is dropped on Biden's lap after 20 years and that anyone truly thought it would go off in some fashioned other than harried. I also find it laughable that either the press or the average American wants people to believe they've given Afghanistan a second thought in 15 years, particularly conservatives.

 Charlie Watts died today. He was 80. Tom T. Hall died this past Friday. He was 85. Venerable years, especially in the music business. I haven't heard what the Stones are going to do but I really can't see how they go on as the Rolling Stones without him. Bill Wyman quitting took a chunk out of them and there's no shame in calling it a day after spending nearly 60 years as The World's Greatest Rock & Roll Band.

 That's good enough for now, I think. Nothing earth-shaking but it's nice to be able to put something down without having to pull teeth. If something interesting happens between here and Memphis, perhaps I'll come back.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Yeah, baby, everything's gonna be all right.

  While I haven't been putting this off all day, not really, it just occurred to me that I've not been at my best lately. Might as well get something down before the storm moves in and we lose power. Let's just ignore that I really don't have anything worth putting down in print to offer.

 I don't know what's going on, but this week's been a bummer, man. I thought the extra dose of Prozac the Psych Doc ordered was working finally but now I wonder. I'm not down, per se, just listless. Some of it has to do with the redness in my right eye that came from nowhere and won't go away no matter how much Visine I use. It's uncomfortable and makes reading a serious drag. And writing for that matter.

 Anyhow, let's get the News out of the way. The pullout of American forces from Afghanistan and the rampant spread of the Delta variant of COVID-19, that's your news for the week. I said it on Twitter, but maybe the most depressing thing about the Afghanistan pull-out is it's the most attention that country's gotten from the American press and populace in the past 15 years. Blame Biden or Trump, but that is a glaring example of why the United States needs to cut that sort of shit out.

 You can't tell me that we spent 20 years and two trillion bucks there, just for it to go tits up in a week, that was time and money and lives well-spent. Whatever the reasons why it was an absolute failure of American foreign policy from start to finish. It would've been this bad five years ago or five months from now. There was no good outcome, especially not twenty years into it.

 Okay for that. And I'm not going to get myself worked up over COVID again. I imagine I'll be raging about that for the next couple of months. I've already put the kibosh on my New Orleans trip and now it's looking like Athens is probably out. Dammit. Little Brother is coming down to visit next week. He said he might be able to get something together, but I doubt it'll come across. I could desperately use it, though.

 This eye business is making me miserable, man. I'm trying to use my glasses but they don't seem to be helping. Too bad I don't have access to an eyepatch. This is killing me, I think I'm going to have to lay down for a bit. I haven't reached word count but it will have to do.

UPDATE: It's one a.m. and the nap seems to have done my eye some good. At least it's giving me a reason to sleep all the damn time. I still don't have anything interesting to say, unfortunately.

 Just looking back, it has been a dismal week for this pitiful nonsense. The News has been solid this week, nothing spectacular or mindblowing but good work. And I've spent the last 20 minutes reading about Thin Lizzy and Huey Lewis. I think this is good enough, word-wise anyway.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Not worth a clever title, trust me.

I screwed around last night and not only did I let the hour creep up on me, but I also didn't plan on an all-night internet outage. Well, I guess you can't plan for such things. In any event, it's Friday morning and I'm writing Thursday's Gibberish, and of course, I really don't have anything to work with.

 It's true, I really don't have anything. My brother's supposed to come out next week, and I'm not going to lie, I'm worried about it. He's coming from Oregon and they've been much more on the ball than Mississippi has, in re: the whole COVID thing. He's flying into Memphis and I'm more worried about him flying out. Every day Momma announces another dozen or so folks she knows or people related to people she knows who have it. Most just have a light case but there's always a couple who are in bad shape.

 I can't believe there are still people bucking this thing. Look, the government doesn't care enough about you to track you and you're pretty easily controlled right off the boat, going through all this with a vaccine they're giving away seems to be a waste of time. But, hey, we all think we're the Hero of the Story and no one can convince us otherwise.

 Moving on, it's fun watching the big-time Washington press bend themselves into pretzels trying to find something wrong with Joe Biden's pull out of Afghanistan. Granted, Biden himself said some things could've been done differently and the future for women under Taliban rule is worrisome. That being said, it's hilarious to me watching all the people give a shit about Afghanistan for the first time in 15 years, especially the dirtbags who actually cheered on the American aggression in Afghanistan.

 And it's just darling that so many people are shocked and dismayed that Afghanistan fell so quickly to the Taliban despite 20 years of America showing them how to do freedom. The only "wins" there came for military suppliers and I don't know of an occupation situation run by the U.S. that hasn't been completely corrupt and incompetent. Maybe we should stop doing this shit, or is that too much to ask?

 Okay, what else. I'm really not sure where to go with this. I could give it a miss since my Actual Paying Work clocked in around 1,700 words all totaled. But nah, that's cheating. Granted, I'm not getting anything accomplished with this, but what the hell.

 It's been kind of a useless week, I guess. Nothing really interesting. Blowing the harp, listening to the blues, reading professional Carnacki fanfiction, and playing mainly Pathfinder: Kingmaker. I did play a little of Lovecraft's Untold Tales. So far, so good. It's an action RPG running with the pixel retro-look. Hard as a bastard, even on easy level.

 The weather's been kind of a drag. Lots of rain from the tropical storms and hurricanes messing around in the Gulf. Not as hot but fiercely humid. Hey, aren't we all glad I put any effort into this whatsoever? Totally a good idea and worth doing.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Programming note.

  I have some Actual Paying Work to get done tonight. It's not all that difficult, research-wise, but it is a good bit. Plus, I have nothing interesting to say about anything. The media reaction to the Afghanistan withdrawal is tedious and predictable. So is the reaction of the war pig bloggers and pundits from the early days of the War on Terror reminding everyone they should be beaten about the head and kidneys with a fungo bat until they spit teeth and piss blood. And you can't get me to care about Tim Tebow being cut by the Jags after one pre-season nor the outrage his fanboys have if someone dares speak ill of his ability or lack thereof.

 Anyhow. Read the News this week as I got some APW due Friday. As you were.


 I've said it before, but my subconscious hates my guts. I had a dream where I was telling an erstwhile girlfriend I wasn't jealous of her new beaux because he made her happy where I couldn't, and that's what's important. Which is something I firmly believe and have told several former romantic affiliations. People want intimacy, I can't do that, and no one's been a big enough influence.

She asked if "what about you," and I told her not everyone gets to be happy. Which is something else I firmly believe. There are loads of single, childless people out there who are flat miserable. But there are also many partnered folks with kids who are flat miserable. Plenty of them are happy, too, but the point is there's no indicator for happiness.

 That all being said, it's a bummer of a thing for your subconscious to just cut the shit and tell you this. I don't know what you'd do about that.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

I can't think of anything clever to put here.

  I think I've got a good start on getting out from under the blue funk I've been for the past couple of months. I don't know it's anything in particular. Maybe that extra shot of Prozac is kicking in finally.

 Whoo boy, the News this week. It's been a depressing one all the way around. We found out Monday that we're further in the hole than we thought when it comes to climate change. Wednesday wasn't so bad as there's been some good progress on the much-need infrastructure plan, but Friday was depressing as shit.

 Y'all. Get the damn shot. Wear the damn mask. Stop gathering in huge groups. Nobody wants to control you or break your will. You're not that important and you're pretty easily led anyway. This has nothing to do with freedom or tyranny, vaccines are perfectly safe, and the idea that this is the first step to future dystopia, a la 1984, it ain't.

 Climate change will probably do it first. People think the problem we'll face is the heat or the rising sea levels, but that's not what'll kick us in the nuts first. It's going to be the prices the Powers That Be will be hiking to compensate for shrinking resources. You think those fuckers are going to go with air conditioning in their dog's house? Hell, no, and you'll appreciate the scraps they let you have. Furthermore, anyone who thinks they shouldn't be the only ones with potable water, you'll call them a goddamn commie. We'll be too busy slitting each others' childrens' throats to buy a loaf of bread to worry about the woke government controlling you.

 Hey, moving on. I watched Slither last night, the 2006 horror movie that crashed when it came out but has become some of a cult film. Michael Rooker is in it and he's always fun to watch. Nathan Fillion plays the hero, and while I've never cared for him in anything else, he plays a pretty enjoyable protagonist. Elizabeth Banks is fine but she has the worst Southern accent I've heard since Jodie Foster's in Silence of the Lamb. Character actor Gregg Henry has fun chewing the scenes he's in and ingenue Tania Sulnier should be in more movies. It's currently streaming on Tubi, so check it out.

 In harmonica news, this guy's worth checking out. The kid's name is Liam Ward and his lessons are fun and easy to process. He's also got a lot of neat licks and tabs to learn on his YouTube site. Check that out. I also bought a Lee Oskar Melody Maker in C. These are tuned different, in that the key of the harp is played in the second position. It's supposed to be good for country, R&B, and reggae, but not for blues. It's a neat little dude, but it's like that Irish tuned harp I bought in that if money was tighter, I'd be sore with myself for buying it. For some reason, I've forgotten how to warble on the harmonica, too. I hate when that happens.

 I'm going to get ahead and pinch this one off for now. I might come back lately, but will probably play some more Pathfinder: Kingmaker. I've restarted it and playing "know what I'm doing" run. Or I might just call it a night and read until I fall asleep.

 Anyhow. Enjoy the weekend. Get vaccinated, stay cool, and keep an eye on the Gulf.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

You know I don't need a lot of money 'cause I ain't going nowhere.

 I generally avoid "political sex scandals," to paint perhaps too wide a brush. But that's the point. Katie Hill was forced to resign from the House for basically being in a threesome that took naughty pictures of themselves. Matt Gaetz is accused of trafficking underage girls for sexual purposes. They're both considered "political sex scandals" and that's just bullshit on every level.

 So I've kept away from the Andrew Cuomo affair. From what I can tell, he's been credibly accused of being an extreme creep to his female subordinates and staff. I don't think he's assaulted anyone, but that doesn't make anything better. He's the mayor of the most important city in the world, he can't act like that. Come on. I don't know why this continues to be so difficult for powerful men.

 But what was most interesting to me is, we've known about this for at least two weeks, and all we heard out of Cuomo was "fuck you, plebes, come and get me." Even as subordinates quit and his staff begged him to shut up and sit down if nothing else, he belligerently stuck to his guns.

 Until this morning, when a piece in The New Yorker by Ronan Farrow concerning how Cuomo gave Obama a call to complain about a wholly unrelated deal the New York City AG was shaking his tree over. Before we all finished lunch, Cuomo announced he'd step down from his office in two weeks. He might've opened up himself to ethics violations, but for whatever reason, he is no longer the most powerful mayor in the country.

 Don't fuck around with Ronan Farrow, y'all, that boy's a beast. He's spent the past couple of years acting as an investigative journalist and made a practice of putting power men who seemed untouchable into the fucking ground. Notably, he's the guy that brought down Harvey Weinstein, a rotten piece of filth that should've been buried alive a long time ago and everyone knew what he'd been doing.

 That was entertaining to see. Always nice to see no-bullshit, ball-stomping investigative journalism, and you'd think people would know not to mess with Farrow. The minute he calls for an interview, you might as well announce your retirement from whatever because he knows what you've been doing, even if you don't.

 As I said, though, generally I find "political sex scandals" distasteful. It's either a powerful man being a nasty creep and calling it a "sex scandal" that merely downplays truly horrific things like rape and sexual assault. Or it's because someone's trying to get their rocks off in a way society pretends it disapproves of though no one is doing something they don't consent to, and more often than not it's used as an excuse to shit on some woman for having sex and not feeling dirty about it.

 I'm a guy that firmly believes any animosity that women feel against men is legit because of the obnoxious shit we continue to do despite being told otherwise, over and over and over. I also firmly believe it's possible to maintain healthy, respectful relationships with the women in your life - people you work with or go to classes with or work at your favorite restaurant - and have an active, interesting romantic/sex life and not be a creep about it. Guys who complain women always take it wrong never seem to stop and think that maybe it's something they keep doing that turns the ladies off.

 Don't ask me to explain it because apparently, it doesn't seem to register. If you're interested in someone, pursue them and leave everyone else alone. If they tell you to fuck off, then fuck off and get on with your life. I have never understood putting any effort into someone once they've told you they're not interested. Life is short, there's plenty of fish in the sea, and frankly, I got other things I want to do as well.

 Of course, that's not something I have to worry about now and my approach to romance might possibly be partly the cause of my monastic lifestyle. But so what? Have a good time and be nice to people when you can. The rest is just details.

 Right, then.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Leaving would be the last thing on my mind if I could turn back the hands of time.

  The News and what's been on my mind today meshes. That is, the explosion of the Delta variant of the COVID-19 and just how poorly we are prepared to deal with it. Plus, the planet's on fire. Jesus.

 The country finally reached Joe Biden's goal of 70% vaccination but considering how virulent this new strain is and how adamant the pro-COVID group is, as small as they are, one wonders if it'll do any good in the long run.

 And for the record, yes, if you're nutty about wearing a mask or getting a vaccination in this day and age, I'm saying you're pro-COVID. Like people who want to ban abortion are anti-choice, I'm tired of screwing around with you. The last couple of days, Twitter's been inundated with tales of right-wing disc jockeys, right-wing club owners, and right-wing politicians who've spent the past year screaming about their freedoms being curtailed because of said masks and vaccinations... dying from COVID. In some cases, they're expressing regret for not getting the shot.

 There's just no sympathy for these yo-yos, mainly because we're also seeing stories of kids younger than 13 having to be flown 150 miles because all the surrounding ICU beds are filled. There should be, or at least some empathy, but they put a lot of work into this and it's really hard to feel bad for them when it bites them in the ass. 

 Now, Sturgis is starting and Lollapalooza happened this week, and I swear before God, I don't understand people. I mean, I get being stir crazy and wanting to have a good time, but really, does anything think this is a good idea or something that's necessary? I wonder if I weren't in the position I'm in - middle-aged and disinclined to have anything to do with anyone - where I'd fall on this. It's like everyone always says they've been against slavery or for Civil Rights had they been alive in that era, when the truth is most of us go along to get along.

 Anyhow. This is pretty interesting. It's about voids, empty parts of space billy-uns and billy-uns of light-years across. And when I say empty, I usually mean empty. No stars, no gas, no galaxy, no nothing. However, by pure definition, the largest void in the universe is one we're more or less in the center of. It's a matter of density, really. There's less stuff in our area of space than in the rest of the universe. This means we have fewer stars in our sky than planets in other parts of the universe. It also means we're in what could be considered the backwaters of the Universe. Douglas Adams downplayed it.

 We really underestimate not only the incredible distances in space but just how isolated we really are. We've yet to leave our gravity well. The much-ballyhooed dick-wavings of Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson cost a couple of billion dollars apiece and barely scraped the edge of space. We haven't figured out how to keep a human being in space for any length of time without their body being destroyed by radiation and lack of gravity.

 Y'all, get the shot and demand governments do something serious about climate change. This is all we got. Have a nice weekend.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

He packed no star as he wandered far, where the only law was a hook and a draw.

  I'm really not in the mood for all this. I don't have anything interesting to say nor have I done anything noteworthy the last couple of days but sleep late some more. But, needs must, so let's squeeze something out and get on with our evening.

 I did have a rather vivid, narrative dream. Essentially, it was set in a future dystopian utopia-type of deal. Everything appears great, no one's hungry or poor, but... that sort of thing. There was a powerful central government and everyone was tagged. However, being tagged wasn't necessary for different reasons. That being said, some sort of technology was necessary to do about anything, so essentially everyone had cell phones that were used to do everything from opening the bathroom door to buying a hamburger at a concert. No money, that sort of thing.

 It started with a rebellion being crushed, and our Protagonist survived the last crush by hiding sort of like in Ravenous. Somewhere along the line, - five years sticks in my head - he steals one of the government's soldiers' ID box and claims his chip was burnt out due to an EMP. That sort of thing happens all the time. Riding on a train taking young soldiers back home to visit, he masquerades as a veteran and picks a stop way off in the boonies. Seems like it was in the Pacific Northwest.

 So, he starts walking in search of a fabled technology-free community, basically, so he isn't executed by the government for being a rebel. For the most part, though, no one cares about the war. During his travels, he sees how the Great Society fails like the rebels thought it would but he also sees how it succeeds in ways they never expected. At one point, he comes across a concert and people having a good time, which doesn't mean anything in particular except he has to radically alter his course because he can't actually buy anything.

 Anyhow, as he got close to the mythical Luddite colony increasingly conflicted about everything I woke up. I don't know where it goes from there nor do I know if there's anything in there worth expanding. I do think it says something about my own internal conflict with the good and evils of American society. The richest, most technologically advanced country on the planet that's being ravaged by poverty and an easily avoidable pandemic out of human arrogance and selfishness, that sort of thing.

 Probably related to stories I've read about former Confederate soldiers in a post-Civil War America, a la Johnny Yuma. I've mentioned before how much I dislike my dreams. I like the narrative ones and just wish I could do something creative with them. I guess if I could, I wouldn't be doing this or the News. It's probably for the best, though, as everything I've read lately says making any sort of living as a writer is a rube's game.

 And that's about that. I don't know what I'm going to do with the rest of the evening. I may just go back to sleep or I may play some more Pillars of Eternity II.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Come one, come all. We're gonna have a ball.

  I ate too much. I'm sure everyone wanted to know that, but it's true and I'm fighting off drowsiness because of it. Still, I want to get this knocked out, and, no, I don't have anything useful or interesting to add to the conversation.

 Though I brought it up with yesterday's News, Initiative 65 was supposed to go into operation this week. If it weren't for the greed and selfishness of certain Republican lawmakers around the Jackson area, I would've been able to swing by a dispensary in Tupelo yesterday afternoon after my therapy session and pick up a half-ounce. However, because of said greedy dirtbags, I could not. Indeed, it's doubtful any serious progress will be made on this, either this year or at all. I really don't see the current state government busting their ass to get this done regardless of how popular it was with the population.

 To expand a bit on that thought, the real problem with Mississippi politics isn't the Democratic versus Republican in most of the rest of the country. We've had rotten bastards running us for about as long as we've been a state. We were founded by plantation owners and, to be quite frank, that mentality still exists. Race is definitely part of it, but there's a huge class divide, as well, more so than most of us white folks want to admit. The reality that we're the rich's bulkhead against Black folks isn't one we want to own, much less admit that we're sort of enjoying the situation.

 This culture, this country, is full of mean-spirited, rule-crazy swine, people who worship the wealthy and powerful. It's why every time there's a video of a cop beating the shit out of someone with a broken taillight, some jackass says "well, you should follow orders." That's what they're saying, we deserve to be controlled and certain groups deserve to be in charge. If you ask them what they'd say if it happened to them or their loved ones? If they're honest - and they often are, surprisingly - they'd believe they'd deserve it.

 Crazy, I know. But that's the world we live in and that's the world these screwheads want. My running theory on such inexplicable behavior is that we're slaves to the Narrative. We believe in Stories. There has to be a start, a middle, and an ending, and it all has to make sense. There are Good Guys and Bad Guys, all easily and readily identifiable, and it must be unambiguous. It has to make sense. That's what the story says.

 And the universe just doesn't work like that. Nor, for that matter, do any of the major religions preach this. God may have a plan but we don't know it any more than we know Allah's will. The universe existed for billions of years before we came along and will most likely exist for billions of years afterward, with no evidence left behind that we stomped the terra.

 This infuriates us. It terrifies us. The anti-vaccination movement is based on this. It just isn't sexy enough that the Powers That Be push vaccinations because if they let us all die to an otherwise easy-to-prevent viral infection, it might be harder for the rich to become even richer. There has to be some sort of sinister reason. There must be a reason to go through this much effort to control a group of people who can easily be influenced by semi-clever beer commercials.

 That's enough for now. I've been digging into Pillars of Eternity 2 again and perhaps I'll actually finish it this time. We'll see.

Saturday, July 31, 2021

I don't know what to tell you.

  The last day of July. Two of my cousins and a passel of their collected young'uns came by today to visit. They were mightily impressed with Momma's basement set-up and it's always fun to see them. I don't see them as much as I should and they're all so grown up. Even the ones that are still teenagers are huge. I don't know what makes me feel older, seeing these kids get old enough to go off to college or knowing that my baby cousin is pushing 40.

  Let's get the News in. Spent a lot of time in Washington, D.C., this week, but it does scan. Between Trump's ongoing legal problems, the Great American Temper Tantrum hearings, and the Infrastructure Bill, it's been a pretty heavy weekend on the Potomac. I've been avoiding too much COVID-19 news because I figure that's going to dominate the Fall. I hope I'm wrong on that one.

 I'm going to get this out of my system. I don't care if you don't get the vaccine. I think you should and you're a moron if you don't, but I care about as much as I care about you demanding to exercise your right to lie down on a busy highway. I don't care about you, but it's a shame about the people you're going to hurt out of your arrogance. And for that matter, I don't give a damn about your kids you're subjecting to possible infection. If you cared more about them than yourself, it wouldn't be an issue.

 My man Ashton Pittman wrote a sharp piece on some of the shenanigans going on at Ole Miss that definitely should be read. I wrote about Arbee Stidham and the joy of finding old music in your preferred genre you didn't know existed over at the Tumblr site. I wouldn't call it a must-read, but it was fun to write, and it's a pretty good tune.

 For those interested, Steam is hosting a free weekend for Square Enix's Marvel's Avengers game. It's a big-ass download and will put your computer through the paces, so be forewarned. I played some of it and... it's okay. It's very pretty and plays well, you're definitely getting a good MCU Avengers vibe. It does deviate some, best I can tell, from cannon but people who get bent out of shape about different platforms telling different stories especially when it comes to comic books are gigantic losers. Look, y'all, multiple universes are built into it.

 I'm not sure how much more time I'll put into it and I doubt I'll worry about purchasing it anytime soon. It's got a good discount that lasts until August 11, if that does anything for you. It's definitely a Triple-A game with all the bloat that entails. It's been somewhat contemptuously compared to Destiny, which I don't think I ever played. They may work for some, but it's all too much for me. Skyrim, Dragon Age: Inquisition, and Assassin's Creed IV are about too much for me. I may go back and mess with the Hawkeye bit some, though.

 Something else I want to get off my chest. My four favorite Marvel heroes have all been represented by the MCU. I should say five, but I've never seen the Iron Fist show. Anyhow, I'm shooting 50%. I like how they've handled Spider-Man and Ant-Man (both Scott Lang and Hank Pym, and that whole mess). Unfortunately, they're using the Ultimate versions of Hawkeye and Falcon rather than the original 616 versions.

 I must confess, I don't like super-spy Hawkeye and special forces Falcon. I like Hawkeye who's just a circus kid who worked his ass off to run with mythological beings and a Falcon who's more interested in helping his Harlem neighborhood - impressing the shit out of the Sentinel of Liberty along the way - rather than a soldier who had access to neat toys. I mean, I understand that it actually makes more sense, but I'm old school, I guess. Guys who give a shit top soldiers any day of the week.

 Is there anything else? I can't think of anything. My damn knee is killing me and I don't think I can put off going to the doctor about it much longer. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Friday, July 30, 2021

I can't think of anything.

  I just woke up from a dream where I was writing. My set-up was truly something and the initial paragraph was actually pretty good. It's a shame reality pales in comparison in so many ways. I read somewhere that copious marijuana use retarded dreaming or, at least, remembering dreams. That sort of tracks, as I really didn't remember the dreams I'd had when I was smoking more weed than Willie Nelson.

 That may be what I miss most about not being able to get (or stay, let's be honest) stoned. I remember my dreams these days and it's always disappointing. It's either a work dream and everyone hates me because I suck or it's got something to do with school where I'm late for a class I can't find and everyone hates me. Lots of dreams where everyone hates me, and I'm sure that says something but I don't care to know what. I have no illusions about my self-esteem. so all I'm getting from that is I really loathe myself more than I will admit. That's unsettling.

 The dumbest one I've had lately is I dreamt I was late for work at Whole Foods because I'd gone to a mall across town for a McDonald's hamburger. Or maybe it was a sausage-and-biscuit for breakfast. In any event, it was someplace I wouldn't go for something I don't like making me stress out over a job I hated. Imagine trying to be in a good mood after that.

 There are also the... I wouldn't call them "sex dreams" because there's no actual sex. They're definitely fantasy because they involve a woman I'm incredibly attracted to who desperately wants to be with me. To my shame, I've never had a heavy lust for any woman who was actively interested in having sex with me. Granted, the sexiest thing a woman can do is be physically interested in me so I've usually managed to get over that. It does generally come out in the end, though.

 That's a lie. Twice have I lusted after women who wanted in my pants, but neither woman wanted to stay around after the loving was through. I'm not sure I should count them, but again, that's all pretty telling, I think. Anyhow, the not-sex dreams are probably the most disheartening. Again, I don't mind that living my life as I wish has led me to become single in my mid-40s but it's still no fun when my subconscious rubs it in my face.

 Anyhow. So much for all of that. I'm depressed and miserable and probably desperately lonely and undoubtedly in denial about how deep all that is, but it's neither interesting nor all that revealing. This is the sixth day in a row that I've gone to sleep just before the sun came up and slept well into noon. I've decided to give into it for as long as it lasts. Might as well, it's been as hot as a bastard while the sun was up.

 It's been ridiculously hot here at Enon Holler World Headquarters. We've had heat indexes in the 110s all week, and we're not supposed to get relief any time soon. Apparently, the country's under a "heat dome," which is when the atmosphere holds heat in from hot ocean air. It's linked to climate change, so there you go. Between that and the spike in Delta cases - and particularly the conservative zealotry against vaccinations and the ilk - humanity is not looking good.

 I watched a YouTube video the other day saying how one would probably survive a Romero-style zombie outbreak. I used to think so myself, if for no other reason that eventually dead bodies break down. It takes a year or so for a human body to completely melt away, but give it a couple of days and your tendons would be so dry they'd snap, no worries.

 I'm not as certain now. Night after night of Tucker Carlson claiming zombie bites caused death and resurrection into a flesh-eating monster was merely a Democrat hoax to make Trump look bad would have a deleterious effect. Multiple Facebook groups where ding-dongs convince each other that there are no actual zombies and only people who live in fear would mind being bitten would have a deleterious effect.

 We would be at Day of the Dead within six weeks, man.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Yeah, just post the damn thing.

  This is the fourth day, hand running, that I've stayed in bed until well into the afternoon. I'm not staying up too late nor am I sleeping the whole time. Indeed, I'm getting a good bit of reading done. I just don't want to get out of bed and face another day. It's fucking tedious, man.

 Every time I talk to the Psych Doc or Therapist, they ask me if I have suicidal thoughts, and I don't, not really. I just don't want to be here and I'm not sure that's the same thing. I'm in a dark place right now, though, and I don't see a way out of it. I avoid Twitter because there will come a point where I tell someone they should've been drowned at birth. This is why I don't argue with people there or anywhere else. It's rarely worth it.

 Simone Bailes bowed out of the team gymnastics event during the Olympics and conservative white dudes (and wanna-be conservative white dudes) are losing their shit over it. We're told she's doing it for her mental health and they're all pissed off that she's "not tough enough," but I'm convinced they're all pissed off they're losing the opportunity to gloat if she doesn't get gold. In any event, if anyone should be ignored about anything, it's conservative white dudes.

 I really haven't been paying attention to the Olympics this time around. Partly because they're in Japan and there's a 10-hour time difference, but mostly because I don't have cable nor do I have a girlfriend who wants to watch it. That's how it worked out the last time I paid attention, which I guess was the 2012 Olympics. We watched a good bit of it and, pretty much like every sport, it's not my thing but I can appreciate excellence wherever it's found. I've seen Bailes do her thing and if she feels she needs to step aside for her own health and the good of her team, who am I to judge. Not a white dude conservative critic, that's for damn sure.

 Anyhow. I don't know I really have anything else. I've been reading a couple short story collections that are based on Lovecraftian themes. One collection's stories are new-ish while the other collection pulls in some classics by folks like Robert Howard and Robert Bloch. They're both about equal, so far, and I'm switching between the two. Most of the time I can't tell the difference, but they're both fun.

 It's tying in with the fascination with pre-historical societies or the possibility thereof. The Appalachian Mountains are almost 500 million years old and pre-date the formation of the Atlantic Ocean. That's pretty stunning to think about, but it sort of puts a new spin on some of the "ancient evils" in Lovecraft's New England and could totally bypass any weird connotation with Native Americans. I never have been that into Conan or Middle-Earth stuff, so I wish I could come across some fiction that uses this. I could write my own, of course, but that doesn't seem to work and I don't know how to make it so.

 I am tired of being depressed and miserable. I don't see a good way out, life is just going to get tougher and more painful. Oh, well. Maybe tomorrow will be different. It won't, but what other choice is there?

Saturday, July 24, 2021

That picker there's in trouble, boy, ain't nothin' but another side of you.

  I suppose we should get on this. I've got nothing and, for the most part, I don't care. I've been shut down most of the day and still buried alive in the blues. It's too damn hot, my knee's killing me, and I'm just too burnt out to deal with it, man.

 Okay, but the News. Pretty good week, mainly because the House Select Committee drama has kept things entertaining. I'll say it again, I did not see the particular rope-a-dope Nancy Pelosi pulled with her denial of Jims Jordan and Banks. Again, it should go on record that I'm not one of these folks who thinks old-timers like Pelosi are being shucked by the GOP. At worst, they're playing by rules the Republicans no longer feel the need to even acknowledge, but given the media landscape and the basic gullibility of the American public, they haven't much choice.

 That's one thing I really don't think people get about American politics, the effect public opinion has on the parties' boundaries. People instantly assume, for example, the GOP is financially thrifty when every time in the past fifty years that the debt has run out of control has been under a Republican administration. People think Democrats are soft on national defense, i.e. bombing the shit out of countries that can't really fight back, and that's just not true, either. And so on and so forth.

 People have a hard time accepting the Republican Party's total acceptance and capitulation to Donald Trump because he's, well, a celebrity with the morals of a guttersnipe. He's replaced Reagan as their god, and the only reason he got as far as he did in politics is because of his Hollywood connections. And to be honest, every Republican president back to at least Ike has been a pig, with the possible exception of George W. Bush. As odd as that might sound, it's true enough.

 Anyhow. Enough of that for now. That's News and I'll save it for the News. I'll need something to write about tomorrow night, anyway. I don't know what else to write about tonight, though. Best I can tell, it's been two weeks since I've played video game one and most of my reading has been different cosmic horror stories based on Lovecraftian lore. I've been blowin' my harps, sure, but that's just a part of breathing these days.

 My brother's coming to visit next month and if I can come up with a subtle way of asking him to get me some of the good smoke, I will. I don't want to put him on the spot, given how shit the mail is these days and that I'm basically asking him to commit a felony.

 Now that I think about it, I watched Dagon last night. It's a Spanish horror film based on the Lovecraft story The Shadow Over Innsmouth, which to be frank, is one of the Lovecraft go-to stories I never have cared for. It stinks way, way too much of Henry Phillip's issues with people who aren't proper white folks breeding with each other. I don't understand why it's so popular as opposed to something like The Statement of Randolph Carter, but there you go.

 I think that's good enough for now.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Hell, I don't know.

  I'm not going to dick around with this today.

 A little insight on My Day. I usually get up sometime between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. if I haven't stayed up all night. First breakfast, and then any last looks that Actual Paying Work might need. If there's none of that, it's a news bath until right around noon. Then I take a nap until 2 or 3 p.m., whereupon I go to the gym for an hour. Upon coming home, me and Otis spend some time outside walking the property until it's time for supper. Interspersed there's another news bath, and either I'll play some games or watch some movies or read until I fall asleep, usually around 2 a.m. There's also a good possibility of at least one more nap thrown into all that because I like naps.

 I said all that to say all this. I've been letting the Gibberish slide too much lately. Well, I've been letting everything slide too much, but this especially. I'll think to myself, "I'll have something to write about later this evening," only to forget and not think of it until 5 a.m.

 So, here we are filling up space during the post-walk, pre-supper news bath. And for the record, a "news bath" is a concept taken from Frank Zappa. He'd spend his afternoons clicking between various television news programs. I don't watch television news if I can help it, so my news bath is internet sources. I'm sure Frank would understand.

 Anyhow. While I don't get as much feedback as I'd like, I do get some. Mostly clicks and the occasional like, and that's fine. Once in a while, I'll get an email or a comment. Nothing heavy, just some variation of "I agree" or "I didn't know that, thanks." The latter is what I'm going for, but it's all nice.

 However, and this always comes from Tumblr, I get some utter nonsense. The News posts automatically to Tumblr and once in a while I get some dopey comment from someone who obviously didn't read past the opening paragraph that's repeated on Tumblr, and they decide to get cute. Now, I'm not going to try to figure out why Tumblr is like it is, but I do want to note that I've gotten complete silly shit from gun worshippers, reasonable liberals, and soi-disant socialists, but they all have one thing in common.

 They didn't read the whole piece. Y'all, read the whole piece or at least read the whole section because I do sometimes break it up. But read the whole piece, I beg you. Just because I criticize mass shooters doesn't mean I'm anti-gun. Just because I question what Nancy Pelosi's trying to do doesn't mean I think she's the font of all political evil. Just because I wonder about leftists' actions having any effect doesn't mean I'm hippie punching. And so on. Read the whole piece, kids, or leave me alone.

 And so much for all that. I caught an entertaining flick last night on Tubi called The Night Watchmen. In short, a group of titular night watchmen and a reporter have to survive a night in a newspaper office filled with vampires which are led by a popular television clown. It's a horror-comedy with a Shaun of the Dead sort of thing going. It's pretty witty, isn't too gory, there aren't too many cringe-inducing moments, and it's fairly well-made all together. Check it out.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Stand right up and yell.

  I completely forgot to do this yesterday evening. I thought about it earlier in the day, but I went to sleep pretty early due to a large meal and didn't think about it until the 5 a.m. pee break. I thought about letting it ride since there's a good chunk of Actual Paying Work I can get done this week, but I know better to write checks my ass won't bother to cash.

 So, I'll doodle around until I get inclined to take a nap. I will get to the News tonight; I'm still finding that much easier to do for whatever reason. I would've never thought I'd appreciate a regular, set deadline, but there you go.

 The blue funk I've been in hasn't gone away, obviously. It hasn't gotten any worse, though, so that's something, I guess. "Disassociated" was the word I was looking for the other day. I feel disconnected and unattached from the rest of the world. One reason - and this is a really good reason, I think - is because the rest of the world isn't worth being a part of. Which is cynical and probably a bit elitist, I'm sure - it's not like I have much to offer anyway - but it's gotten pretty goddamn stupid out there.

 The Delta variant is going to be nasty. I don't have any hard science to base that one on, but the hard 180 the GOP leadership has taken on vaccination speaks volumes. Steve Scalise said yesterday he's going to get the jab, and that evil bastard is a pretty good canary-in-the-coalmine for the party as a whole. And yes, I'm counting Sean Hannity and the Fox News crew as part of the GOP leadership. Let's not bullshit ourselves here.

 I never could figure out the end game for allowing the anti-vax wing of conservatism to take over, but the shift is pretty easy to grok. Apparently, the Stock Market went into freefall yesterday and that's probably got them jumping. It does no good to point out the hypocrisy of Mitch McConnell calling for vaccinations, but there you go. It is laughable, however, the suggestion that Joe Biden should ask Trump to come out in favor. Whether or not it's good politics on Biden's part is irrelevant; Trump would just spend the opportunity to complain about losing again.

 This hasn't trickled down to the Base, of course, as they're full-on in favor of the idea that the Illuminati is trying to do gene therapy and make them mindless consumers. Them not knowing what HIPAA laws cover is making a resurgence, and that foul beast Marjorie Greene actually laughed when asked about how the Delta variant.

 And that's the rub. Congressional Republicans who got their vaccinations as soon as they became available can beg and plead all they want. The pack of mad vandals and whiny honkies they've nursed and encouraged for the past 30 years, just to be dumped for the first celebrity to come along, will most certainly let their kids die to own the libs. It's foolish to think otherwise, and all we're going to be able to do is hopefully pick up the pieces afterward.

 Okay, then. That's word count. I could do more but I don't want to.