I don't know who or why, but some read the tar out of this blog yesterday. I got 164 hits, which not only destroys that all previous records of hit-per-day but also more hits than I usually get in a month. I surely do appreciate it, whoever you are and why ever you did. Tell your friends and relations. Most of the time it's more interesting than yesterday's half-baked gibberish, too. Well, sometimes.
Anyhow, I've shook off yesterday's exhaustion and ready to roll again. More or less, anyway. News-wise, we're still dealing with both the fallout from the storms we had the past couple days as well as the President Of The United States of America's ongoing rage-induced quest for revenge against anyone and everyone who didn't show complete and total capitulation and loyalty. It's been an odd day.
Let's start with the storms. We got pounded pretty hard Tuesday and Wednesday, and while Thursday saw less torrential downpours, it didn't colder than kraut and continued to rain off and on all day. Downed power lines, property destruction and the occasional tornado kicked the devil out of the Magnolia State. The vast amount of actual damage happened in Central and South Mississippi, including a fairly fierce tornado around Yazoo City. We just got a bunch of rain, almost but not quite enough to cut Enon Holler off from the rest of the world. Martinsville, a little town about four hours southwest of here towards Natchez, had a half dozen homes destroyed by the storms.
Today's been cool, though not as cold as yesterday which saw a 22 degree drop from the day before. We also got a massive amount of sun today, so it almost looks like nothing happened if one isn't around the rivers or sloughs. There's still plenty of water sitting around where it really shouldn't be. We're supposed to get more heavy rain come Sunday that lasts a couple of days, so hopefully it'll all drain away before we have to ask Noah to pair 'em up again.
Because of the impeachment and Trump's resulting shit-fit, I've somewhat neglected Mississippi news. So, let's rectify that. While there's still no headway into redressing the completely unfair and quite possible unconstitutional conviction of Willie Nash for 12 years in the slammer because he wasn't told that having a smart phone in lock-up was a fucking felony, there's been some change in the Curtis Flowers case. Remember him? The guy who's been tried and acquitted six times by a Mississippi county district attorney for the murder of four people at a furniture store in Winona in 1996.
Back in January, Fifth Circuit DA Doug Evans owned up to, at the very least, screwing the pooch a half-dozen times in his attempt to convict Flowers for a crime that's based on some shaky evidence. Plus, Evans' racism cratered him at least once as the latest attempt was overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court for intentionally striking black jurors.
Now, newly elected State Attorney General Lynn Fitch has taken over the case. According to her spokesman, Fitch will be examining the evidence and seeing if it's worth the effort to try Flowers for the seventh time. Fitch is a Republican and this is Mississippi in the Trump Era, so who knows. We'll be keeping an eye on this, but in the meantime check out the excellent podcast In The Dark from APM Reports which has led the charge on what can only be called a miscarriage of justice.
In other rat-bastard state government moves, the former head of Mississippi's welfare service is being charged along with five others for misuse of public funds. John Davis, the former head of Mississippi Department of Human Services, was caught up in a fraud scheme that saw over four million dollars embezzled marked for non-profit groups that was supposed to go to some of the poorest people in the poorest state in the union. Instead, it was used to donate to Tate Reeves' gubernatorial campaign, business investments and a luxury rehab center in California.
That last one has an amusing little wrinkle, as it involves Brett DiBiasie, a former professional wrestler who spent a cup of coffee in the WWE in the late Aughts. The youngest son of legendary grappler Ted "The Million Dollar Man" DiBiasie, is now an Evangelical Christian minister, because of course he is. He's accused of using funds earmarked for the state welfare program to attend the Rise drug treatment facility in Malibu, because of course he did.
This hits close to home, because the Family Resource Center based in Tupelo is caught up in this mess. Executive Director Christi Webb said the Center, which helps fund mental health services in the area including the one I use, is completely cooperation with State Editor Shad White. Again, something we'll keep an eye on, but since White's a Republican and the MDHS was a favorite of former Gov. Phil Bryant, much like the prison system that's recently come under fire, who the hell knows how it'll work out.
Well, I think that's enough to digest for tonight. There's a couple other issues pulling at my attention, but I'm not ready to dig into it just yet. The ongoing Deutsche Bank scandal is getting more and more interesting, but I need to do some more research to make any sense out of is. Also, I want to do something on the continuing trashing of America's press because politicians hate them and the M-Zombies have been bullshitted into think the media's the enemy of the people. However, that requires some more studying as well. Plus, the last Democratic debate before the New Hampshire primary Tuesday is going on tonight and is already looking entertaining.
One thing I've decided to do is embrace my journalism background and how it influences whatever the hell is. I told someone on Twitter the other night that my concern for the American Press stems from it being what I used to do for a living and what I now do for a hobby. That had a ring I liked, so I'm going to figure out how to make it catchy somehow while I look for a writing/editing gig that actually pays. Anyhow, have a nice weekend, don't let the bastard grind you down, and keep me in mind if you know someone who needs something written or edited.
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