Once again, I really don't have much on the boiler today. Once again, I woke up this morning and was completely uninterested in dealing with the rest of humanity. Once again, my first glimpse of Twitter confirmed my initial suspicions. And once again, I shut it down for most of the day and spent it all reading about the nature of time and listening to B.B. King. Highly recommended.
So we'll just do the whole "filling up the white space" thing. About what, I don't know. That funk that sat on me last week is still around. It's not really a case of the blues so much as just being too tired and disinterested to really deal with it all. Things are a mess right now. The "we must send kids back to school, so what if a few will die and many will suffer life-long debilitating effects of catching COVID-19" movement shows no signs of slowing down.
It'd be tough to convince me that the mindless push for this is basically another way of getting the plebes back to work to make more money for the Powers That Be. If nothing else, our country's reaction to dealing with the pandemic has ripped a number of masks off, and one of them is how little the "job providers" give a shit about who makes them their money.
That may sound unnecessarily cynical, but I'm not seeing anything to make me think otherwise. Shit, man, I've got nothing. Fact, right there, and I'm not in the mood to debate it. Today's new tactic from the Trump Administration is to try to convince folks that Biden is trying to "hurt God" and get rid of the Second Amendment.
I never know who shit like this is supposed to convince. The True Believers already think every Democratic president of the last 30 years has been inches away from destroying every firearm in the country. I'm not going to look it up, but there hasn't been a serious threat to the Second Amendment ever. Limits aren't the same thing. But again, as I've said elsewhere, I really don't care about your guns or your access to them. If you don't care your kids get shot up and you never know when some dingbat will decide a whole Wal-Mart needs to die, that's on you.
What else is there? Hell, I don't know. I have the worst mush brain today. Worse, I have absolutely no time for nonsense. Just had some yo-yo on Twitter try to claim it's "obvious" the "mainstream media" is trying to stir up a "race war" and that's just fucking dumb. I'll say it again; if you think the corporate media is concerned with anything other than making money, you're a fool and probably should be kept away from sharp objects and firearms.
The New York Attorney General has opened legal proceedings against the NRA based on their financial shenanigans. I don't know if it will have any long-term effects on what's undeniably become a lobbying group for gun manufacturers, and one that's taken a number of hits to its credibility in recent years, at that.
Okay, that's 500 words. I'm tired and think I'll shut it down. I'll have the News tomorrow. Hopefully, this funk will be gone sooner than later.
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