Man. I am not at all plugged in today. I couldn't tell you why, but here we are. So let's get the News all linked up and see if I can't come up with something clever before I go back to sleep.
It was a pretty good week, actually. Monday took a look at the implications behind the Electoral College having the final say on the 2020 Presidential Election. Wednesday and Friday were concerned with the next stimulus package which still hasn't quite been hammered out by Congress. There was also some discussion about AG Bill Barr retiring, the initial rollout of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, and the much-anticipated release of Cyberpunk 2077. The former looks to be going well, with some stumbles, while the latter has been a goddamn mess, apparently.
We've still not got a stimulus package figured out and time is running out. Trump is still throwing his tantrum and apparently asking seriously if a military coup is possible. He also finally acknowledged the recent hacking of the U.S. government but considers it an example of media hysteria and wonders why they're blaming Russia instead of China. Really. I will be so glad when we won't have to hear about that ding dong anymore.
I don't know what else. Not being plugged in means my brain isn't firing on all pistons. Whatever's been causing the writer's block for the past couple of weeks is heavy today. Seriously, nothing is coming out. So, let's take a break here and see if maybe a bite of supper does any good.
Nope. I've been sitting here 20 minutes and still nothing. All I really want to do is go back to sleep. So we'll leave it open as we fool around on the web and see if anything noteworthy pops up.
I do think it's a bit telling the wingnuts who have given up on overturning the election are getting bent out of shape because they don't think Dr. Jill Biden deserves to use the honorific. This is incredibly small and petty and the fact that it comes from a National Review writer who routinely calls people "cuck" should come as a surprise to absolutely no one. This is going to be the "Michelle's got big shoulders so she shouldn't be wearing a sleeveless dress" for the next four years, isn't it?
Ugh. This is like pulling teeth, man. My brain feels like a soaked sponge. I need a hundred words to be able to call it a day. I've been playing a lot of guitar lately and I think I'm getting back up to speed. I can't remember any songs or make barre chords work, but I'm having fun.
I'll say it again if just to finish this mess off and go back to sleep, the only thing that really, truly matters is having a good time. It's a bit weird that, for me, having a good time often includes sleeping all day. I sometimes miss playing in bands and wandering the Quarter, but I really do prefer not being around people anymore. Does that sound weird? I'll take it as a good sign that everyone who has a stake in my mental health thinks the hermit trip is the right idea.
Five hundred words. Dig it.
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