Saturday, November 30, 2019

Saturday, November 30, 2019

 You know, there's just not a lot in the News that interests me. Trump said something stupid, not considering he might ought to sit down, shut up and concentrate on not being impeached. I still say it's not going to matter one way or another. Study on it, both anyone who's actually not bullshitting when they say the won't vote for Trump and neither will the MAGATs, if they got one thing in common it's that their opinion on Trump viz. 2020 is pretty much decided.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thursday, November 28, 2019

 All across America, families are either sitting down at the table or they're letting their belts before they go into a glutton coma. Here in Mississippi, we're taking bets on who's going to win the Egg Bowl. Not being a partisan on the matter, I'm giving it a solid win to Ole Miss.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

 Okay, let's roll in on this and knock it out.

 Ain't going to lie about it, but I am not in the mood to do this. I'm a little cranky, sure, which is sort of funny after the week I've had. Nice visit from the brother and sister-in-law, Momma in a good mood, my medicine bag refilled, and this-&-that, I'm still a little put out with no discernible reason. I told the Psych Doctor that this whole writing business was as much fun as I've had in the past 10 years that didn't involve LSD or mushrooms. That cut him up.

 In any event, I'm in a foul mood and here we are. Part of it is absolutely the on-going problem with my sleeping. Still, infernal machine or no, I am not getting any rest no matter how much I sleep during night, nap during the day or catch a quick 40 in the evening. I am always bushed, always could go right back to sleep as soon as I wake up.

 And honestly, there isn't much that grabbing going on in the news. Impeachment's slowed down a bit, though it seems Trump is busy looking for a suitable bus to throw Rudy Giuliani under, just a couple days after the former New York City mayor claimed he had some "insurance" if the president pulled just this sort shenanigan. Once again, reality proves that it is not going to make any sense as Devin Nunes rolls in the campaign contribution despite looking like a complete fool during last two weeks' of testimony.

 On other fronts, things are looking shakier for the Trump people. A review by a Department of Justice's internal government watchdog into the Russian allegations poke some holes in the dipstick's defenses, as it found no evidence of spying by the FBI. Just as an aside, it's amusing to see the Right almost uniformly turn its back on federal law enforcement organizations as soon as the Flabby Emperor gives 'em the thumb down. The Mushy Middle and Respectable Liberals, despite what wingnuts claim, are always fairly down with such organizations, but those wingnuts also think Hilary Clinton is a red-eyed socialist who can't stop singing "The Internationale".

 Same thing with people getting miffy at Barack Obama breaking his silence just to remind everyone that he ran, governed and never pretended to be anything else than a slightly left-leaning centrist, which is extremely conservative in the rest of the sane world. For me, I couldn't care less what Obama has to say about anything, past president or no, because whoever gets the nomination, he's not going to throw his weight behind Trump or even some misguided third-party run by a billionaire far too in love with the smell of his own farts. Take your pick which one.

 What else. I went off on what I think is a pretty good rant on Twitter concerning the idea that racial tension will be solved if people "come together". It's silly because, and let's be real here, black people don't owe us white folks patience or understanding when we still can't wrap our heads around the idea that "the n-word" will get your ass beat nine times out of ten, regardless of how many black friends you have.

 Well, honestly, I'm kind of done. Maybe last week sapped me in some way, because I did put a lot into it. I picked up some indie games via Steam's Autumn Sale, so maybe I'll mess with them tonight. As likely as not, I'll probably read until I fall asleep. I should finish off Vampires Don't Sparkle tonight. Anyhow.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

 Once again we ride with the King. So we're going to indulge in that. Fair warning: if you don't wish to deal with gonzo, quite possibly don't quite badly, move on. Anyhow.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Monday, November 25, 2019

 Another week begins, so we might as well get to it. We'll start off slow, since I really wasn't able to pay much attention today. I do want to start the move to a M-W-F schedule for the News, but today ain't it.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Thursday, November 21, 2019

 Well, that is that. We've heard all the testimony concerning the impeachment of the President of the United States of America, the third time it's happened in the nation's history and only the fourth time proceedings have gotten this far. Now it's all over but the crying.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

 You know, I can kind of sympathize with Trump's most recently bellyaching about how mean everyone is to him over this whole Impeachment business. It is getting somewhat sad to watch how bad it keeps going for him and the poor dumb bastard keeps pretending he's smelling like roses. But then I think, screw him, the crooked bastard. He could've enjoyed his money and left everyone alone, but no.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

 Well. It's been a weird day and one that I was unwilling to participate in. However, interesting things happened so let's not dally.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Sunday, November 17, 2019

 Spent another night trying to liberate the Earth from alien domination, and didn't notice the time until morning again. So, another day of being a zombie but I've already written all about XCOM I can think of. Ah, well, we'll do what we can.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Saturday, November 16, 2019

 You know, I was saying this weekend needed to be more relaxing and that the whole Impeachment business needed to give a poor boy a rest, but damnation, did I mustard that one up. It's my own fault, though. Like my friend and spiritual advisor, the Rev. Billy C. Wirtz, said, "what I used to do all night now takes me all night to do".

Friday, November 15, 2019

Friday, November 15, 2019

 Maybe this weekend will let up on me. I'd much rather write about XCOM or blues harmonica or the terribly interesting book I'm reading or anything else but this big ol' goofy world. Nevertheless, if reality insists on being silly, it's my duty to lay it out and make fun of it.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Thursday, November 14, 2019

 You know, after last night's slog, I had sort of planned to take it easy today. Maybe talk about video games I'm not playing and why. Unfortunately, the morning started off stupid and just got more depressingly dumb as the day went on. In writing this a bit early, I'm sort of worried what would come next.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

 Well, I'll be honest with you. I never thought they'd pull it off. Even up until the moment it started, I figured there'd be some weaselly political flim-flam going on to stop it in its tracks. But here we are.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

 It is a cold out there, boy. Seriously cold, that sharp, cutting cold you get when there's moisture in the air. It's currently 29 degrees and got as low as 24 this morning. Worse, it never got higher than 35 plus we got a dusting of snow, which is unusually early for this part of Mississippi.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Sunday, November 10, 2019

 Dad-blamit, the Saints lost, 26-9. Coming off a bye week but 7-1, rampaging through the season, and they get dominated by a 1-7 team. Worse, it was the damn Falcons. There was some hinky shit going on in with referees, but Atlanta just outplayed them. Sloppy play from the Saints didn't help. And damn Alabama got slapped around like cheap goons by LSU yesterday, to boot. So there's some joy in New Orleans tonight, but not much. No joy in the Thompson house, though.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Saturday, November 9, 2019

 It's Saturday night. Twenty years ago, I'd be drunk by this time, or high at least, trying to come up with something to write. Now, I'm sitting staring at a computer screen trying to come up with something to write but I'm sober. Yep, it was all downhill from there.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Friday, November 8, 2019

 Well, I've been siting here staring at a screen for the better part of an hour trying to come up with a clever opening. There comes a time when you just have to admit it ain't happening and move on with your existence. For what it's worth, that little bit of wisdom works in oh, so many scenarios.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Monday, November 4, 2019

 Well, shoot.

 Okay, see, I have fairly severe sleep apnea on top of everything else. It's part of the reason I used to zombie through my old job apart from, you know, complete misery. These days, though, my hours are my own. However, I try to maintain a regularish schedule, if for no other than doing so seems to help keep the Black Clouds away.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Sunday, November 3, 2019

 Well, the dad-blamed kitten is still on the Hill. Otis has been barking at him all day, and as soon as Otis leaves the yard, the kitten walks right in. That means I've had to pull Otis off him at least once and the day's not done yet.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Saturday, November 2, 2019

 Back when I still did the Facebook thing, I'd say I felt bad for anyone who wasn't in New Orleans during a beautiful Fall day like today. Well, I don't know if I pity anyone who's not in Mississippi on a today like today, but it was particularly nice. Cool but without the bite we've had the past couple days. It was cold as all get-out this morning but once the sun was fully in the sky, it was a pleasant day all around.