Saturday, July 11, 2020

That was too much for me.

 So, yeah, another day of putting it off and only doing it because I have to. And I really don't have to. I mean, I'm not charging anyone for this and I doubt anyone really reads it beyond web-crawling bots. But anyhow, the News before I forget again.

Nothing barn burning, but good round-ups everyday. I probably should've waited because Friday's big news happened in the evening. For those who don't know, Trump pardoned Republican dirty trickster and third-rate Batman villain Roger Stone just before the latter was set to go to jail. Stone, who's been a GOP hitman since his days as low man on the Nixon pole, said afterwards that he "doesn't snitch" and appreciates the President doing him a solid. All that makes me think is he was totally about to drop a dime on Trump.

 For whatever it's worth, if anyone's surprised about this they only have themselves to blame. As soon as Stone was convicted of evidence tampering and lying to investigators, it was just a matter of time before Trump bailed his boy out. Still a convicted felon - like Dinesh D'Souza and Mike Flynn - but he won't do time, while Crystal Mason got a five-year sentence because she voted without knowing of her felon status. If you don't own the discrepancy there, up yours, you are part of the problem.

 Heh. This story's such an obvious non-surprise that it's already moved off the Google News homepage. Comparatively speaking, Trump has pardoned less people than most presidents at this stage have - something like 36 - but almost all have been directly tied to him and his 2016 election attempt. So there's that there, then.

 Anyhow. I'm not sure what's got me in such a funk. I imagine part of it, beyond just the normal state of my screwed-up wiring, is - as noted in Friday's News - I've passed my one-year anniversary on writing this whatever it is. Actually, a year and a few weeks, as I started the thing in earnest the second week of June last year. It was still until January or so before I delineated the two sites as News and Gibberish, but 500 words a day (at least) for 365 days isn't bad. That's over 180,000 words. The upper end of the average novel is around 120,000 words. So that's something, I guess.

 Still, I'm not comfortable with the status quo. I haven't figured out how to monetize it and it's yet to bring me any Actual Paying Work. As I said, I really don't feel confident people are reading either on a regular basis. Worse, nothing's spun out of it. I haven't locked onto one thing to concentrate on nor has it stimulated any sort of fiction writing. It just doesn't feel real, I guess.

 That's what's really getting to me, I think. They say all a writer has to do to be a writer is write, and if you call yourself a writer and you're not actually writing, well, you're not a writer. But I'm writing every day, sometimes up to 2,000 words a day, a large novel's worth in a year, and I don't feel like a writer. I'm even making money writing, and I don't feel like a writer.

 Granted, writing is fun and it usually makes me feel better or, at least, less shitty than when I started. Having something to do every day is definitely good for my mental stability. I was as shocked as anyone to learn that I don't fare quite as well without a schedule, believe you me. Still and all, I want to feel like a writer and I don't, and that bothers me.

 Ah, well. That's word count and I don't feel like writing anymore. I'm just tired, is all. It happens.

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