I have some Actual Paying Work to get done tonight, so this will be quick and dirty. Two pieces are due, actually, so I've no doubt I'll make Wordcount before too long. Luckily, I'm not much in the mood for this so no one's missing out.
My nerves are pretty raw for some reason. I can't put my finger on it, but something has me set off. I don't know if it's my anxiety flaring up or just a general dread about the state of things. According to most folks, Kamala Harris did a solid job slapping Mike Pence around, and the Biden campaign scored another $12 million in donations. He's got a fairly solid lead over Trump in most polls and from inside my bubble, anyway, it seems everything the Blind Idiot God does is little more than fodder for the faithful.
Of course, I don't know. Polls are one thing but reality's another. The early voting turnout has been phenomenal, but I don't put much faith in that. Not since 2004, anyway, when the largest turnout in modern history re-elected George Bush Jr. In any event, the GOP has made no bones about being perfectly happy in making it difficult as possible for people, especially the "wrong" people, to vote.
So, I'm not sanguine about things. But I don't think that's what's rubbing me wrong. There's yet another hurricane heading to the Gulf and we're still going to do nothing about climate change due almost solely to our arrogance, but I don't think that's it, either. I really don't see Initiative 65, which would legalize medical marijuana in Mississippi, passing and God knows I could use a smoke. I doubt that's it.
Part of it is every night from sundown to around 10 p.m., Otis spends his time quivering, whining, and occasionally tearing things up. I don't know why or where this comes from. He'd do this in Jefferson and I chalked it up to him hearing the nearby train switching station. It might be that he can't accept that we can't go walking after dark, but I don't know. He's a weird dog and hopefully his mood will change sooner than later.
Been digging into Elite: Dangerous as of late in anticipation of a big new add-on coming early next year, Odyssey. I'll say it again, it's a great game on its own and the update looks pretty cool. On the flipside, Baldur's Gate 3 is getting less-than-glowing reviews, and it may be petty, but I'm fine with that. They're asking $60 for a 150 gig download that's still on Early Access, you have got to be kidding me. From all told, it's a mediocre RPG that looks really, really pretty.
A lot of folks like Larian Studio's previous efforts, the Divinity: Original Sin series, but it's failed to grab me so far. Usually I give RPGs six months to a year before I even think about buying them. It takes most studios that long to not only iron out all the bugs but also by that point all the DLC has been released. Helluva thing that spending fifty bucks on a game still doesn't get you the full package.
I'll go into it in more detail tomorrow, maybe, but the FBI busted up a plot by Boogaloo-connected buttholes to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. She's been a "nasty woman" thorn in Trump's ass since the COVID-19 kicked into high gear and the weirdos that are thirsting to be the jackbooted government thugs they've been fearing for the past couple of decades have made her Public Enemy Number One. This, of course, comes on the heels of Trump telling the Proud Boys to "stand back and stand by" while tweeting "liberate Michigan" in creamy all capital letters. And, of course, he made reference to it this evening by being the shit ass we all know he is and crying about Whitmer being mean to him.
Seriously. How do so many people see this fucker as a tough, manly, alpha male? Is it the television show or just the worship of the rich? Anyhow, that's Wordcount and I've got work to do.
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