Saturday, October 10, 2020

With your rebels that have got no cause and your tigers that have got no claws.

 Since I keep forgetting to do this, I'm going to go ahead and knock out the links to this week's News before I get rolling. Granted, I don't know if I have anything interesting to talk about, but that's never stopped me before. Anyhow.

 I got a good number of hits this week. I did get a little help with some retweets and Lord alone knows if I'll get any repeat customers. Apart from one old friend, I never get any legit comments. I don't quite know how to take that but I'm going to roll with it's adequate. Monday we discussed the fact that the White House saw more COVID-19 cases than most countries, as well as the murder by local police of Jonathan Price. The White House Flu was the news of the week and it took up a bit of Wednesday's space, along with Hurricane Delta.

 We kept with Delta Friday as well as touching on the attempted kidnapping of Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer by a baker's dozen of Boogaloo boobs. Speaking of Delta, it brought a lot of rain and a whole lot of wind but it doesn't appear to have caused any deaths. As of yet, anyway, there's still a possibility of tornadoes throughout the South. Let's hope it stays that way because I know those folks could use a break.

 I want to go back to Jonathan Price for a moment. The cop that killed him is being charged with murder and let's hope it sticks. I don't see how qualified immunity could help this guy, but the legal system's built-in racism isn't what I want to discuss. Y'all, this is the society we built. Every time we excused a cop shooting a black dude who was less than an angel or, for that matter, a white kid smoking pot in his car we've told The Powers That Be that we're fine with that sort of society.

 We sort of are fine with it, for what it's worth, and have been almost from the get-go. This country has a long history with official authority coming down on people who can't fight back, from the Whiskey Rebellion to the Palmer Raids. They're not always saints, either. Ruby Ridge and Branch Davidian were populated by buttholes but they probably didn't deserve having the U.S. government slap them down with its flaccid cock.

 This is particularly glaring when those groups make for people who disrupt the Natural Order. People ask why the Black Lives Matter protests are getting so much official guff when the anti-masker dingbats who sieged the Michigan State House with high-powered weaponry, but it's pretty simple. The former are demanding a fundamental change to society. The latter want to go back to consuming and working to make someone else rich.

 It's the same reason implicit white supremacists have gotten so little pushback from Twitter and Facebook; and why, for that matter, so many Intercept "leftists" are so quick to pooh-pooh their impact on society. We don't like to admit it, but a good deal of America has traditionally been cool and groovy with a patriarchal white supremacist gloss to society and, for the most part, still are. It's one of the reasons the corporate media is so desperate for a reality where Trump isn't a crooked moron. They think society should be run by rich white dudes and rich white dudes only.

 Someone was shot at an affair in Denver today, counter-rallies between soi-disant leftist groups and soi-disant rightist groups. Far as I can find right now all that is known is someone was shot, two people were taken into custody, nobody's been charged yet, no word on who the victim was or who he ran with, who the shooter ran with, or any clear reason why the shooting went down. Hard-right Twitter is popping a boner on this, claiming it proves something or other, which makes me automatically skeptical. We'll see as things work themselves out.

 But again, that's the world we live in and that's the world we're fine with living in. We want to be armed so we can defend ourselves and we're taking hard lines on everything, especially how we think this country should be. I don't like it but I don't understand why anyone's surprised it's come to this. This isn't a left thing or a right thing. It's an American thing.

 This is what we are because this is what we want to be. Think about it.

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