Another day I pretty much slept away. Unlike usual, though, this was on purpose. Woke up this morning & decided I just didn't want to deal with the rest of the world. And since I didn't have anything that needed doing, I just slept it away.
I'll probably go back to sleep once I get this knocked out. Not really interested in being alive today. Don't remember any dreams, either, which is nice. I'm not really sure how to put it in better words beyond "not interested in being alive", despite how that sounds. It's not good, don't get me wrong, but it's not as... final as one might think. I just don't have any desire to do anything. I've been doing this a good bit since I've moved home, but that's just because I've had more opportunity. There were plenty of times I would sleepwalk through work & more than once I slept my days off away.
Only bad thing about this is I feel, physically, pretty crappy. Just sore and achey, but frankly, I always feel sore and achey. I don't remember the last time I felt good. Probably when I was still with the Ex, and I wouldn't tell her this, but I doubt it had anything to do with her.
Anyhow, I need to take a shower. Tomorrow's Memorial at Bourland Cemetery, and as much as I don't want to visit anyone's grave, much less Daddy's, I need to put in an appearance.